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YMML - Missing Aircraft Textures

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G'Day All,

First of all.....TOP JOB with all the work that has been done with both YMML and AU_Traffic, total brilliance by all involved!!!! Well done ;D

Not sure if anyone else has come across this, if they have sorry to bring it up again, when I go to fly from YMML using Direct X10 preview I get this happening to the AI aircraft.....not all of them as you can see....just some....

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I seem to get better FPS using DX10.....I did note that in the user manual nothing was mention about it .....or am I missing somthing??? ???

Thanks for you help in advance!

And well done again!

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DX10 is a no go for most ai, although I believe the MyTraffic aircraft have been made for FSX and should work. Otherwise the aircraft models are usually FS9 or even FS2002 models, and they won't show the textures in DX10. reverting to DX9 will do the trick.



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