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To all those who have g3d.dll issues in PNW


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Hello everybody,

I just tried something Sunday that permited me to complete a direct flight from KORS to KPDX with a Carenado aircraft:

Direct x 10 preview!!

The only tweak I always use in FSX.cfg is HIGHMEMFIX=1 along with "true" for "Wideaspect".

I even tried another flight that gave me the same error, from CYUL direct to KTPA with the Cessna Mustang that would invariably crash right over KIAD from Imaginesim, when enabled and not crash when KIAD disabled...

My FSX settings are the same in both DX9 and DX10, with everything maxed except water at mid, mesh at 5m., nVidia inspector settings are the same.

Can Someone try a similar scenario to verify this ? maybe then an explanation could be found ?

Alain from Montreal

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... Sadly orbx isnt 100% dx10 compatible.

??? No compatible with DX10 preview? :blink:

What is not compatible? I ask because I'm flying with DX10 on PNW and no error: with DX9 I have a lot of OOM (I know that the reason is my Seven 32 bit)

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Alain, do you have the latest Orbx library or 1WA6 installed lately ? That might have fixed your CTDs.

Yes Heiko, unfortunately 1WA6, altough beautifull, didn't cure g3d.dll for me...does somebody know why or what changes by running dx10 preview compare with dx9? could it be only the gpu built for dx10 ?

Alain from Montreal

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Hmmm....It's hard to believe that the DX10 preview will cure CDTs. That would point more towards a GPU driver problem, no ?

Do you have freeware like OzX installed for this region ? Our fixes covered default FSX, PNW and our airfields. If there are other bad calls, you might not see an improvement.

The DX10 preview will only partially utilize DX10. Not all objects are compatible with those shaders. You might see slightly better performance but there are some unwanted side effects.

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I do not use OzX, only ORBX, I know it sounds crazy but i made the flight twice from KORS with the Carenado Baron and Carenado Centurion successfully with dx10 when it would crash with dx9 just pass KSEA, about 80-100 nm to KPDX...

I am using the latest driver from nVidia but i remember it was the same problem with the driver before; since it was also crashing over KIAD (not anymore with dx10), could it be that virtual memory allocation is better with the gpu using dx10, both area being very ressources intensive ?

Alain from Montreal

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Nobody said there was no issue with dx10, i just pointed out that i was having g3d.dll crashes with dx9 and not with dx10, there must be a reason.By the way, you should tell what dx10 issues you know, so ignorant people may be educated....

Alain from Mpntreal


I dont want to tell you where are the dx10 issues, because obviously you missed them and this is good for you.

once you know them, they start a small voice on the back of your head like "this is nice and fast too bad..."


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Hmmm....It's hard to believe that the DX10 preview will cure CDTs. That would point more towards a GPU driver problem, no ?

It's probably a slim probability that it might ::) , possibily due to the differences in rendering between DX10 (more efficient) and DX9. AFAIK there is around 20% less 'overhead' in texture rendering in DX10 than in DX9 and it might be enough just to keep the VAS sweet and prevent it going pear shaped (so to speak). Maybe the current drivers and video cards utilise DX10 more efficiently than DX9? Interesting.

However, like you I have my doubts.



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Indeed Peter. First of all - everything is possible. A CTD can have many reasons... Missing objects, bad texture calls, system overload (settings), an unstable system, other hardware or software problems, bad drivers, DirectX, ect., ect..

I didn't switch to the DX10 preview for a long time now - maybe i should try it just out of curiosity (i don't have any CDTs though).

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After reading this thread i thought i would do some tests, the results are dx10 wont fix the issue.

As i can create the g3d.dll crash on demand i did find that by using dx10 you do reduce the stress the fsx engine is under it does not solve the issue as the stress will still build up and the crash will happen in a different location instead.

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After a rebuild and reinstall, I had NO CTDs for a month. Then I installed OzX, knowing that this was the cause of my CTDs, then guess what? 5 minutes into the flight, I got a CTD. I restored my computer and now I have NO more CTDs. As much as I love the freeware airports, I don't want CTDs or anything that can overload my system.

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The problem is I do not have freeware airports in PNW nor any foreign afcads of any sort....What i might resolve to do is to remove all ORBX and reinstall them with the latest patches, could it be the solution ? altough patches are cumulative is it possible that by installing them one after the other over time could cause some kind of texture corruption hence a memory leak ?

Also, my FSX disk is 300gb full, can that also cause the pc to get overload by searching thru all those files or does FSX only uses the files in the specific area of the flight ?

Alain from Montreal

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I leave pre-load enabled so all the files that need to be checked are checked on startup of fsx and not the beginning of the flight, One thing i do believe is that fsx can max out the core to core bandwidth on i7 cpu's, As i have a retail i7-960 my QPI is unlocked so i can run it at a faster speed which does give me a small boost in fps with out the need to overclock the cpu :)

Some oem i7's so have the QPI locked but im not sure about the 2xxx series i7's

People have more success reducing the load fsx causes to fix the g3d.dll and that is the best fix so far that will work regardless of your pc spec's as we have yet to find the golden fix if one is out there.

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  • 1 month later...

This morning out of despair to find a solution to this G3D.dll in DX9 that i experience west of KSEA, i unchecked ALL addons from my scenery library except UTX and ORBX/FTX, tried the same flight from KORS to KPDX mid-day at 6000 feet with the Carenado Centurion, no CTD ! only 10 missing library objects passing KSEA so i guess i can rule out ORBX, now to add addons again and re-test....

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Hello Ed ! I did try with My Traffic X off, same issue.. for sure now it is an addon that does not play nice with FTX, will let you know as soon as i nail it !

PS pass thru Pheonix from Flagstaff to see the huge cactuses late september in my motorhome, Boy was it hot ! :blink: 90 degrees plus ! my plan was to go east on I-10, ended up going back north thru Las Cruces and take back I-40 east at Albuquerque... ^-^

Alain From Montreal

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Quick update: tought i was up to something last week when i disabled every scenery addons except ORBX and was able to complete my sample flight without G3D.dll; well it was an exception that comfirms the rule !!! the error came back... the only way so far to have a majority of crashless flights is by reducing water at low, autogen and scenery complexity at very dense; i tried the new light switcher and it gives a nice fps boost!

I still have those errors about failure to load files when passing near KSEA:











Tried a Goolge search, no luck, can that cause a G3D.dll crash ?

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Ok, i'm at lost here; I re-apply latest libraries, removed Vashon from ORBX folder and deleted library entry and i STILL have texture missing near KSEA and ctdp between KSEA and KPDX with G3D.dll ! Also the files missing are not the same as before:













Since I bought ALL ORBX airports in NA and they are concentrated in KSEA area, suffice to say i am not please that i cannot complete a flight....

Please help me ? what else can i try ?

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A couple things worked for me. You can try these if you want although systems vary.

Try each one and then test.

1. If you have the affinitymask tweak then remove it.

2. Save and erase your fsx.cfg and allow fsx to rebuild one.

3. Try different nvidea drivers if you have an nvidea card. 182.50 works amazing for me.

Lemme know if any of these help.


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A couple things worked for me. You can try these if you want although systems vary.

Try each one and then test.

1. If you have the affinitymask tweak then remove it.

2. Save and erase your fsx.cfg and allow fsx to rebuild one.

3. Try different nvidea drivers if you have an nvidea card. 182.50 works amazing for me.

Lemme know if any of these help.


Thank you for responding JB;

1: Never used it

2: Did that, same...

3: Altough 182.50 is not for W7, i tried 266.58 which is the one that came on the cd for my card, same...

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Sorry none of it helped. There are a few other things that helped to make my system more stable for fsx, but they involve adjusting settings in the bios. Tell me, is your systems overclocked and are your voltage settings and memory timings manually set or on automatic?


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I'm not suggesting you try this, but it has helped ms with stability issues in FSX on my q9650 system with a heavy oc of 4.5.

When I setup the oc I ran torture tests with prime 95, but found later that FSX actually hits the northbridge buss harder than prime 95 was during the torture tests. To make the system more fsx stable I took memory and mchcore voltage up a hair and also experimented with looser timings. I found that slightly looser timing and a higher mchcore voltage actually smoothed out the sim and got rid of microstutters.

In hindsight it doesn't make sense, as tighter timings should result in better performance. Maybe the Northridge buss is so busy that by slowing the memory down results in more of a synchronous flow between the memory processor and gpu, who knows. But either way, it also helped with fsx stability.

I'm gonna guess here that the g3d.dll ctds in pnw are caused by a huge amount of memory trying to be moved through the loading and unloading of large bgl files. And any slight instability in the NB Buss will show up.

Again it has worked for me, but every system is different and the instability may not be in the NB buss on your system.

Just food for thought


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