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I am testing a few different hosting site.


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Very nice, I have only been up in the C152, love flying. ;)

cheers Phil

Ive been extremely lucky. I ran into a pilot a year ago that was also interrested in sim to some degree and loves to play ambasador to aviation enthusiasts. Before I knew it, he had me comming to EAA meetings at a small airport where 30+ pilot/plane builders gather once a month. I volunteered some time to helping with Young Eagles twice and then bringing some of the food to the meetings (Tonights speaker is a plane crash survivor talking about safety).

Anyway, I digress. Before I knew it, I have all these pilot friends and now I have been up in a C172 (a paid discovery flight for an hour), C182Q (rented with my friend), C210 (his plane many times), Mooney M20J (a few flights) and hopefully more to come! The aviation community is so warm here. I love it. You pitch in a few bucks for avgas and most are more than happy to take you. I have a guy lined up for a 185F if I ever get a chance to call him and get together.

It all starts with finding the community nearest you. Volunteering and showing an interrest.


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lol you still want me to delete it ?

Naw that's ok. Ill use this one for a few tests. I am looking for a personal online image hosting service. Picassa and Microsoft Live as I use them for personal use or even facebook. Just not sure how they will look so I will try that here. :)


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