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Error messages when switching areas on FTX Central


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I get the following error messages:

'could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path 'D:\Program Files (x86\Microsoft Games\Scenery\World\Scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_14S_elevation_adjustment.OFF'

followed by

could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path 'D:\Program Files (x86\Microsoft Games\Scenery\World\Scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_14S_elevation_adjustment.BGL'

This comes up every time I use FTX Central to switch between USA Northwest & Australia (those are the 2 areas I have upgraded using Orbx scenery), since I installed the latest patch for Pacific Northwest SP4, I am finding now that some airports e.g Snowhomish have been elevated above the surrounding area.

Is there an fix for this that isn't too technical or does it mean the nightmare scenario of a complete re-installation of FSX & Orbx scenery.


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This is due to not having FTXcentral set to North America when installing the PNW servicepack

Easy to fix though, try this:

1 - Set FTXcentral to [North America] (press OK through the errors)

2 - Browse to <FSX>/Scenery/World/Scenery and delete any 'ADE_FTX_XXX_XXXX_elevation_adjustment.OFF' files that you may have (sort the folder by type to make the files easier to identify)

3 - Cycle FTXcentral to [Default] press OK, then cycle back to [North America] and you should be error free



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Hi Tim, thanks that worked just fine, there was that slight nagging feeling when we installed the patch that we might have got it wrong, but once you press the "enter" it's a case of wait & see what goes wrong.

Thanks again, any chance you know what has gone wrong with some of our normal airports eg Snohomish, it has raised runways & the airport buildings are half buried, we also have floating trees on the runway.

Thanks Viv & Jan

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Thanks Tim & Wolter, all sorted, finally remembered that our other computer had FSX on it, so copied the missing scenery files over, did a test flight & all was in it's proper place & at the right height, applied the patch & it looks really great. Checked again & then updated the library. All working as it should & is fantastic. Thanks to the ORBX team for giving us this beautiful scenery & thanks for the support much appreciated.

Viv & Jan

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