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A Real UFO I photographed on Madeira


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Boeing have made this 'Flying Wing' millitary plane. It first flew last year I think, it is just really a wing, nothing else. That is probably the only thing that I can think of, and if a UFO did come, why in the middle of the day? I would think whoever they are, whatever they are would want to come at night to be undetected. What you think?


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Unless there is another method that is way too advance for us humans to comprehend

Absolutely, as humans we are arrogant to the extreme! We assume that the only science is the science we know and understand, but only understand on the science we have discovered. What about the science we know nothing of? A science that is so far advanced from another civilisation, three billion years advanced to our own? Would that be a science we would understand with are humble and limited knowledge? We believe the only form of travel is linear, ie moving from one point to the other in a straight line. Even at the speed of light it would be the same, just faster, so as John has said, it is still limited to time. They have already suggested that travel may be possible through wormholes?? Travel across dimensions.... anyway, I've just had my breakfast slice of toast, I'll drink my coffee, shut up and go and do some work.... or maybe fly in and see Walter! :D

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Boeing have made this 'Flying Wing' millitary plane. It first flew last year I think, it is just really a wing, nothing else. That is probably the only thing that I can think of, and if a UFO did come, why in the middle of the day? I would think whoever they are, whatever they are would want to come at night to be undetected. What you think?


Well Ollie, funny you should say that :) As someone who has had a UFO sighting, and yes only one in my entire life, as I am not a UFO anorak, or someone who has to believe in something like that, but it changed my belief system forever. It was in 1974, I was living in Maidenhead, near London at the time. I was living in a shared house with three mates. It was a summer's evening and the guys were watching something on the TV in the sitting room. The room had french doors and were open because of the warm evening. I was more interested in keeping cool than watching TV so I went and lay on the grass gazing up at the sky. I was far enough away from the house to enjoy a little piece and quiet and enjoy the warm evening. As anyone knows, the more you stare at a dark sky, the more you see, as your eyes become accustomed to the night sky. The sky was clear, but also lit to some degree by the light from the city, so no, it was not a pitch black that you would experience in the desert, but a very dark, midnight black or blue black you might call it. After about ten minutes, I suddenly became aware of some slight movement out of the corner of my eyes over to the right, at about 45 degrees. First I blinked and turned to look, I couldn't make out what was going on. The movement was a round disc, about the size of your small finger nail if you extend your arm and hold it against the sky, that was about the size. What the...? Then I was suddenly aware, once my gaze had fixed on the object, that the one I was looking at had another two alongside it. One on either side. Now at this point I thought I was seeing things so I turned my head away, blinked, and returned my gaze, but sure enough they were still there. Travelling across the sky from west to east, silhouetted against the dark sky. They were silhoutted because the sky was not jet black, as I have described. However, the discs themselves were absolutely black in the night sky. They were completely independent from each other. The centre one was going in an absolute straight line, while the one's on either side were moving around completely randomly, but keeping pace and in formation. There was no sound whatsoever, nor were there any lights of any description. It was impossible to judge just how fast they were going, but from a 45 degree angle to getting overhead I guess it was about twenty seconds. At this point I needed verification, I shook my head and returned my gaze, yep, still there. I jumped up and shouted at the guys to come outside, Mike ran outside wondering what the hell was up, the other two were more interested in watching some rubbish on the TV while drinking lager than seeing what the commotion was about. He quickly joined me and I told him to look in the direction I was pointing, I didn't suggest anything I just asked him could he see something. No, he said. Of course because he had immediately run from inside, his eyes had not become accustomed to the dark sky as mine had. But all of a sudden, after about ten seconds, "shit, three circles in the sky" he shouted. Then they disappeared out of sight. He couldn't believe what he saw, so you can imagine the impact it had on me, having the privilege of watching them for so much longer and 'take in' the experience. I sat there for about twenty minutes talking to Mike and explaining all about my close encounter of the first kind. Afterwards I wanted to tell someone in authority about what I had witnessed. Unsure where to turn I rang Jodrell Bank, which was, or is, the national observatory. I got though to someone in authority and was told what I had seen was probably a satellite??? ::) Then he suggested a meteorite ::) Then he suggested it might have been a plane with no lights on ::) by which time a gave up and rang Heathrow. I spoke to someone else who was equally dismissive, so I gave up and have only spilt the beans of this story a handful of times throughout my life, so all you guys are privileged ;) Cheers...

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Well Ollie, funny you should say that :) As someone who has had a UFO sighting, and yes only one in my entire life, as I am not a UFO anorak, or someone who has to believe in something like that, but it changed my belief system forever. It was in 1974, I was living in Maidenhead, near London at the time. I was living in a shared house with three mates. It was a summer's evening and the guys were watching something on the TV in the sitting room. The room had french doors and were open because of the warm evening. I was more interested in keeping cool than watching TV so I went and lay on the grass gazing up at the sky. I was far enough away from the house to enjoy a little piece and quiet and enjoy the warm evening. As anyone knows, the more you stare at a dark sky, the more you see, as your eyes become accustomed to the night sky. The sky was clear, but also lit to some degree by the light from the city, so no, it was not a pitch black that you would experience in the desert, but a very dark, midnight black or blue black you might call it. After about ten minutes, I suddenly became aware of some slight movement out of the corner of my eyes over to the right, at about 45 degrees. First I blinked and turned to look, I couldn't make out what was going on. The movement was a round disc, about the size of your small finger nail if you extend your arm and hold it against the sky, that was about the size. What the...? Then I was suddenly aware, once my gaze had fixed on the object, that the one I was looking at had another two alongside it. One on either side. Now at this point I thought I was seeing things so I turned my head away, blinked, and returned my gaze, but sure enough they were still there. Travelling across the sky from west to east, silhouetted against the dark sky. They were silhoutted because the sky was not jet black, as I have described. However, the discs themselves were absolutely black in the night sky. They were completely independent from each other. The centre one was going in an absolute straight line, while the one's on either side were moving around completely randomly, but keeping pace and in formation. There was no sound whatsoever, nor were there any lights of any description. It was impossible to judge just how fast they were going, but from a 45 degree angle to getting overhead I guess it was about twenty seconds. At this point I needed verification, I shook my head and returned my gaze, yep, still there. I jumped up and shouted at the guys to come outside, Mike ran outside wondering what the hell was up, the other two were more interested in watching some rubbish on the TV while drinking lager than seeing what the commotion was about. He quickly joined me and I told him to look in the direction I was pointing, I didn't suggest anything I just asked him could he see something. No, he said. Of course because he had immediately run from inside, his eyes had not become accustomed to the dark sky as mine had. But all of a sudden, after about ten seconds, "shit, three circles in the sky" he shouted. Then they disappeared out of sight. He couldn't believe what he saw, so you can imagine the impact it had on me, having the privilege of watching them for so much longer and 'take in' the experience. I sat there for about twenty minutes talking to Mike and explaining all about my close encounter of the first kind. Afterwards I wanted to tell someone in authority about what I had witnessed. Unsure where to turn I rang Jodrell Bank, which was, or is, the national observatory. I got though to someone in authority and was told what I had seen was probably a satellite??? ::) Then he suggested a meteorite ::) Then he suggested it might have been a plane with no lights on ::) by which time a gave up and rang Heathrow. I spoke to someone else who was equally dismissive, so I gave up and have only spilt the beans of this story a handful of times throughout my life, so all you guys are privileged ;) Cheers...

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.............. and if a UFO did come, why in the middle of the day? I would think whoever they are, whatever they are would want to come at night to be undetected. What you think?


Because the aliens wanted they're lunch of course! :lol:

Seriously, I've never heard of this 'wing' thing before. Is it in secret? For any Air Force or something?



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Well Ollie, funny you should say that :) As someone who has had a UFO sighting, and yes only one in my entire life, as I am not a UFO anorak, or someone who has to believe in something like that, but it changed my belief system forever. It was in 1974, I was living in Maidenhead, near London at the time. I was living in a shared house with three mates. It was a summer's evening and the guys were watching something on the TV in the sitting room. The room had french doors and were open because of the warm evening. I was more interested in keeping cool than watching TV so I went and lay on the grass gazing up at the sky. I was far enough away from the house to enjoy a little piece and quiet and enjoy the warm evening. As anyone knows, the more you stare at a dark sky, the more you see, as your eyes become accustomed to the night sky. The sky was clear, but also lit to some degree by the light from the city, so no, it was not a pitch black that you would experience in the desert, but a very dark, midnight black or blue black you might call it. After about ten minutes, I suddenly became aware of some slight movement out of the corner of my eyes over to the right, at about 45 degrees. First I blinked and turned to look, I couldn't make out what was going on. The movement was a round disc, about the size of your small finger nail if you extend your arm and hold it against the sky, that was about the size. What the...? Then I was suddenly aware, once my gaze had fixed on the object, that the one I was looking at had another two alongside it. One on either side. Now at this point I thought I was seeing things so I turned my head away, blinked, and returned my gaze, but sure enough they were still there. Travelling across the sky from west to east, silhouetted against the dark sky. They were silhoutted because the sky was not jet black, as I have described. However, the discs themselves were absolutely black in the night sky. They were completely independent from each other. The centre one was going in an absolute straight line, while the one's on either side were moving around completely randomly, but keeping pace and in formation. There was no sound whatsoever, nor were there any lights of any description. It was impossible to judge just how fast they were going, but from a 45 degree angle to getting overhead I guess it was about twenty seconds. At this point I needed verification, I shook my head and returned my gaze, yep, still there. I jumped up and shouted at the guys to come outside, Mike ran outside wondering what the hell was up, the other two were more interested in watching some rubbish on the TV while drinking lager than seeing what the commotion was about. He quickly joined me and I told him to look in the direction I was pointing, I didn't suggest anything I just asked him could he see something. No, he said. Of course because he had immediately run from inside, his eyes had not become accustomed to the dark sky as mine had. But all of a sudden, after about ten seconds, "shit, three circles in the sky" he shouted. Then they disappeared out of sight. He couldn't believe what he saw, so you can imagine the impact it had on me, having the privilege of watching them for so much longer and 'take in' the experience. I sat there for about twenty minutes talking to Mike and explaining all about my close encounter of the first kind. Afterwards I wanted to tell someone in authority about what I had witnessed. Unsure where to turn I rang Jodrell Bank, which was, or is, the national observatory. I got though to someone in authority and was told what I had seen was probably a satellite??? ::) Then he suggested a meteorite ::) Then he suggested it might have been a plane with no lights on ::) by which time a gave up and rang Heathrow. I spoke to someone else who was equally dismissive, so I gave up and have only spilt the beans of this story a handful of times throughout my life, so all you guys are privileged ;) Cheers...


That's all I can say, wow.

I guess it's to bad that you didn't get some photos of it or record a video of it, then they may of thought again. :(

It has been amazing hearing all of these stories, from a wing to actual UFO's to the unknown, we have gone through everything.

I guess it's up to you to decide what it was now.


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