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A Real UFO I photographed on Madeira


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I guess because it's associated with flying then it may be of interest around here. Anyway, it sure is in something I've speculated about for the past twelve months. Last June my good lady and I spent a week on the island of Madeira to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. One day we hired a car and drove to the highest point on the island. When we got right to the top I was taken with the rather soulless, long straight road. I stopped the car, got out and took a few pics. When I got home and started taking a look at them I noticed on one of them, what looked like a strange shaped UFO type aircraft. I took several pics within the space of about ten seconds, the object appeared on only one of them, nowhere to be seen on the other three. So, what is it? If it was a plane it would have shown on the other pics and it sure doesn't look like a bird. In fact I spent quite some time looking at loads and loads of pics of the entire holiday, gazing at skies and trying to see if any bird could look like this in a photograph... I couldn't find any. So... not an aircraft and not a bird? What do you guys think?

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:huh: Very strange.

It appears to be a flat shape, and looks a little round from my perspective.

That's very strange. I've always been interested in those types of paranormal activities and that, so, it's pretty cool to me!

Can't wait to hear what other people think of this!


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The truth is out there, at first I thought perhaps dust on the lens but hey it should have been there in the other photos, I like how youve zoomed in and it seems to have a 3D feel about it, there appears to be shading there, also its on an angle so the thought of bad pixels is ruled out as they would be in a straight line with the frame. you may well have snagged one here I'm not a ufo nut but to quote the movie Contact "If there in nothing out there , it seems like a real waste of space" or words to that effect.

thanks for sharing, not easy to do when the cynics are ready to pounce



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Most likely an insect flying by with a bit of motion blur.

Hey Patrick, look at photo 2, that's no insect mate! There is a certain perspective in photo 2 that suggests it is some distance away. I've been both a TV cameraman and a photographer for the past 35 years, so I do know a little about imaging. Tell you what, if you can photograph an insect and make it look like that, I'll give you a $100!

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Looks to me like a wormhole. It has all the classic markings of a type III wormhole, with the front and rear sections being slightly thicker than the middle, and a slight perception of shape that cannot be defined yet somehow, magically, it is intrinsically there. As the size of a type III wormhole is exactly 20.777764 metres long, this one was just too far away to be of any use. Had it been closer, it would have given you access to both time and space, though as Mr Hawking points out, if you don't enter the wormhole in exactly the right place and at exactly the right speed (.984C) you can be ripped asunder as part of you is transported to another time while the remainder is left behind, not a good look when you land on the Planet of Virgins in the Cassiedas Cluster.

I suspect both Mr Hawking and NASA would be very interested in this photo, as a type III wormhole has often been postulated but until now has never been observed, let alone photographed.

Or... it could be any number of earthly objects, from a piece of grass stalk blown by the wind, to an aberration in the camera, to an insect caught at a strange angle, to any number of things. But I like the wormhole theory myself so i'm sticking to it.

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Looks to me like a wormhole. It has all the classic markings of a type III wormhole, with the front and rear sections being slightly thicker than the middle, and a slight perception of shape that cannot be defined yet somehow, magically, it is intrinsically there. As the size of a type III wormhole is exactly 20.777764 metres long, this one was just too far away to be of any use. Had it been closer, it would have given you access to both time and space, though as Mr Hawking points out, if you don't enter the wormhole in exactly the right place and at exactly the right speed (.984C) you can be ripped asunder as part of you is transported to another time while the remainder is left behind, not a good look when you land on the Planet of Virgins in the Cassiedas Cluster.

I suspect both Mr Hawking and NASA would be very interested in this photo, as a type III wormhole has often been postulated but until now has never been observed, let alone photographed.

Or... it could be any number of earthly objects, from a piece of grass stalk blown by the wind, to an aberration in the camera, to an insect caught at a strange angle, to any number of things. But I like the wormhole theory myself so i'm sticking to it.

Hahaha!!... that gave me such a laugh and made my morning! :lol: :lol:

I also saw a UFO or as those crazy Hill billy murder mountain types say, "Yooouu Foooo, came riiight over the hills!"

But I shit you not, as I was taking in the marvels of the Goldern Gate, there she was! :huh::blink:

In the top right of the image... Or was it one of those Orbx Orb drone spy things taking covert pictures for their photo real imagery for South Cali?.... OOOOOhhhh

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Sensor Dust ? dislodged by further Shutter activity. Or indeed placed there by previous shutter activity/Lense change. I am assuming you use highend equipment...now you will tell me it was taken on a Compact ! :D:D Liked the composition by the way.

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Ahh well, I suppose it added a smile to people's faces. John's response, who are you to say whether it was a type III wormhole, it could just as easily been a type II :lol: in all seriousness, like thehendrix, I too have seen something that no one can tell me otherwise. Only once in my entire life, but I will never forget it. 35 years ago, 3 round discs, each one separate from another, no sound, flying overhead at night and seen as completely circular discs, no lights, just slowly moving across the sky. Anyway, this is not the place to discuss things like that, as the hendrix said, probably best to pretend they don' exist. Have a good day guys ;)

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Well Howard for many years I've been a believer in UFO's, for me the NASA stuff is were it's at.

But Sadly I don't think you shot's is one off a UFO, it's a very sunny day and I see no light refection or anything that gives the object depth.

I wish you had got the same object on other photo's.

Gz on hitting your 30th anv, nice one, we are on 28th this year :)

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Well Howard for many years I've been a believer in UFO's, for me the NASA stuff is were it's at.

But Sadly I don't think you shot's is one off a UFO, it's a very sunny day and I see no light refection or anything that gives the object depth.

I wish you had got the same object on other photo's.

Gz on hitting your 30th anv, nice one, we are on 28th this year :)

Hi Dave, thanks for the congrats. As a point on the reflection thing, not everything reflects light and in the photo the sun is not behind me but behind or to the side of the object. If you look at photo 1, you will see two elemets that give you a clue as to the position of the sun. 1) On the left handside of the pic, the concrete buffer, you can see by the shadows that the sun is definitely over to the left side. 2) look at the road sign over to the right and how it is unlit, the light is either to the side or the back of it. Cheers...

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Theres 2 dots in that 1st pic, not just that one that was circled.

Aghhh, you spotted it KCGB! The two very slighly blurred dots are in fact either dust on the sensor or marks on the lens. However, inbetween those marks there is another object, one that is further away and almost identical in shape, but nowhere near as clear as the main object. It could be a plane, certainly not a bird IMO, but there is no tail plane to speak of or wings. I've spent a lot of time looking at planes at distance and you can either see the tailplane in a horizontal axis, or as you see the plane more from beneath then you become more aware of the wings. The main picture is completely devoid of either of these...

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Hey guys, I said it looked like an Unidentified Flying Object, not a flying saucer from Venus ;)


yours is almost certainly a small bird flying fast from left to right, possible it's an insect but it looks more like a bird to me.

I guess John you may be right, perhaps it's one of those lesser spotted cylindrical wingless birds that we see on Naturewatch :);) Here's a slightly better image where I have changed the way it was magnified and sharpened in Photoshop...

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There is a certain perspective in photo 2 that suggests it is some distance away.

That's just it. I don't see anything on the picture that suggests to me that the smudged dot is some distance away. With a photo like that, which displays close and far away objects just as sharply, you can only tell the distance when you actually know the dimensions of the object in question. That's why forced perspective photography works in the first place: it takes our experience of object dimensions and distances and twists it around to the advantage of the artist.

I think you are leading the witness, because you want it to be something else. ;):lol:

p.s.: if someone likes to know what forced perspective is:

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I guess because it's associated with flying then it may be of interest around here. Anyway, it sure is in something I've speculated about for the past twelve months. Last June my good lady and I spent a week on the island of Madeira to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. One day we hired a car and drove to the highest point on the island. When we got right to the top I was taken with the rather soulless, long straight road. I stopped the car, got out and took a few pics. When I got home and started taking a look at them I noticed on one of them, what looked like a strange shaped UFO type aircraft. I took several pics within the space of about ten seconds, the object appeared on only one of them, nowhere to be seen on the other three. So, what is it? If it was a plane it would have shown on the other pics and it sure doesn't look like a bird. In fact I spent quite some time looking at loads and loads of pics of the entire holiday, gazing at skies and trying to see if any bird could look like this in a photograph... I couldn't find any. So... not an aircraft and not a bird? What do you guys think?

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Ahhh theres my frisbee!!!
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UFO?? ...Don't think so myself. Let me ask you something. Have you ever flown a tube in fsx and watched it from the tower view? If so, have you noticed that even though the sky seems blue and clear, for all intents and purposes, that for some reason your still not always able to actually see your aircraft? Like it almost seemingly just isn't there anymore? All the while you realize it's not visible and then switch views only to find that there is in fact a small thin layer of clouds not visible to the naked eye from the ground? I truly think thats all this really is...and for that matter find this all to amusing to suggest otherwise. Not that I don't respect all the opinions stated and all, and everything that goes with that. I'm just not one of those "ghost hunter" watching people myself and don't really entertain all the ideals and such along those lines. But I know that there are a lot of different ideas out there as to what is what and where is where, and realize that there will always be this argument back and forth about what is real and what isn't. It's just amusing to see the different responses in my opinion. :D:D:D

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Definitely a UFO.

First we don't know what is therefore it is 'unidentified'

Second it is above the ground therefore it is 'flying'

Third is is an object of some description.

Add the three together and you get an unidentified flying object.

Says it all.

Andy b

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Definitely a UFO.

First we don't know what is therefore it is 'unidentified'

Second it is above the ground therefore it is 'flying'

Third is is an object of some description.

Add the three together and you get an unidentified flying object.

Says it all.

Andy b

Exactly, thanks Andy. Just to respond to some of the posts, I'm not saying it's one thing or another. However, as I have already said, having been behind the lens of a camera since I was fifteen there are some things I can unequivically say it isn't. It is definitely not sensor dust. It is definitely not an insect in flight. It certainly does not appear to be a bird, as in John's earlier pic. As for an a plane, IMO it is definitely not one. No suggestions of a tailplane or wings anywhere. As I also said, it only appeared on this one single frame and no others which were all taken within probably five seconds of each other. I think people are looking too closely at the last pic and seeeing an out of focus blur, that's beacuse it has been magnified dozens of time. If you look at the second picture I would say 150% there is an object in the sky. As what it is I leave it up to speculation. Patrick my friend, while I respect your opinion and those of others, your talk of perspective is clearly flawed. Yes, you can make all sorts of things appear different in size. If this had been something on the lens it would have been something completely out of focus and it would also have shown up on at least one other photo, in exactly the same place in the frame. No such thing was apparent. I am really interested in hearing any serious suggestions as to what it could be, and no, I'm not taking this too seriously, honest ;) (well, maybe a little)

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As a real world scientist (neuroscientist to be exact) a large chunk of my world revolves around proven fact. There is a quote from a famous scientist that I often use in lectures "The facts remain, the theories pass away". You really can't use the word "definitely or 100%" for any possible source or reason for the spot in that picture till proven through a factual process. In many cases you can not prove it one way or another because you do not have the scientific method or means. Time and technology develop fact, create theory and disprove theory.

And to open up another nutshell, given the size of the galaxy it is naive to think that our Earth is the only planet with life. Do UFO's exist? Possible till disproven otherwise. Many laugh at such things because we only think based on a given intelligence that is integrated with experience. It is really true that "we do not know what is possible".

Can you imagine showing this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cf7IL_eZ38 to someone fifty years ago?

Enough of my philosophical typing for today!

Will we sort this UFO concept out in our lifetime? Likely not.

Notice how I worded my previous response "typical sensor dust" and not "definitely sensor dust"

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As a real world scientist (neuroscientist to be exact) a large chunk of my world revolves around proven fact. There is a quote from a famous scientist that I often use in lectures "The facts remain, the theories pass away". You really can't use the word "definitely or 100%" for any possible source or reason for the spot in that picture till proven through a factual process. In many cases you can not prove it one way or another because you do not have the scientific method or means. Time and technology develop fact, create theory and disprove theory.

And to open up another nutshell, given the size of the galaxy it is naive to think that our Earth is the only planet with life. Do UFO's exist? Possible till disproven otherwise. Many laugh at such things because we only think based on a given intelligence that is integrated with experience. It is really true that "we do not know what is possible".

Can you imagine showing this video to someone fifty years ago?

Enough of my philosophical typing for today!

Will we sort this UFO concept out in our lifetime? Likely not.

Notice how I worded my previous response "typical sensor dust" and not "definitely sensor dust"

Sure, I'm with you Laurie, cheers. Perhaps I should have added IMO it is definitely not... ;)

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"The more we think we know about, the greater thee unknown"

When you dig deep into these things, you conclude that there has to be other life out there.

But the universe being so big, they could never reach us.

When you think the speed of light:

To travel around the earth at the speed of light takes 0.13 seconds!.... then.......

From the moon it takes 8 seconds

From the our sun it takes 10 minutes

From our nearest star (other than the sun) it takes 4 years!

From the average star we see in the night sky, it takes 10 years

and thats only a very tiny part of it all

Then you think all the other galaxies

And when you realise it is all infinite, at some stage, there has to be other life out there.. but can it reach us given the share distances that could never be travelled by our conventional methods; Rocket propulsion etc..... absolutely not!

Unless there is another method that is way too advance for us humans to comprehend

A whole wide world, endless universe. Yet we keep looking through the eye glass in reverse.

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