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The Joy of Doing Circuits


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I recently picked up the BF-108 from Classics Hangar based on the strength of their FW-190 which is one of my favorite warbirds. I didn't need another GA plane as my virtual hangar is stuffed with them, but I am very pleased to say it is one of the best planes I have used in a looong time. Beautiful controls and handling and so much fun to operate. You are basically managing the prop throughout the whole flight to keep the engine alive.

I did some circuits over Concrete and can honestly say I haven't had this much fun and immersion simming in recent memory. These shots are with FS realwx.

The office, that big crank on the dash is your prop control, in the "real" mode your prop control will not work you have to use it, and you will use it alot.

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Taxiing on grass is tough when you are trying to baby the engine to life.

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Lined up and ready, prop full forwards and full power

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Seriously, is this a photo?

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Climbout, Map to 24 and prop to 2000, oh yeah you have to crank up the gear manually(luckily the sim does that for you)

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Downwind, Map at 24(max) prop to 1800

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Turning Base

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Okay I admit it, in all of this prop management, I lost the airport

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Wait, found it, approach at 70 knots, gear down flaps at 50(your approach is pretty steep)

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Boucy wheel landing :blink:

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Thanks guys, between your scenery, this plane, and FSRealWx I have had a smile plastered on my face.



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Really enjoyed this set. I held off on that ME 108 at first- the German instrument panel looked a bit intimidating, but those shots have sold me, the aircraft and scenery look terrific.

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Thanks Guys

@ Hugh, the German panel is not that bad, the tooltips pop up in English and if you click a button the guages show up in Knots and more conventional measurements.

If you are thinking about it, I would do it, the plane is just fantastic.

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The CH BF-108 is a fantastic airplane, definately tops, for those looking for a great classic realistic GA plane with great short field abilities but faster than the great A2A Cub.

The panel is intimidating at first but it is really very intuitive once you try it a few times. Being a German plane, it obviously has a very German feel to it, in design, style, and function...efficient, simple, and innovative. Kind of like sitting in a classic Mercedes or somthing. The navigation instruments for instance in the IFR version to me are much easier to use than early western Heading/CDI gauges of the period. You just rotate the compass on the heading indicator to the desired radial you wish to intercept, then it basically tells you what heading to fly to intercept it. The German single needle altimeter isn't quite as accurate as it's western clock style counterpart, so altitudes will be a little more 'approximate'.

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