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Proposal for JV and his gang


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Every time I hear the name Montana it fills me with a real desire to go there. It surely must be one of the most beautiful places on earth. What about East Rosebud Lake, I hope JV and the gang can do a special bit of work on that area. I guess it will appear in the CRM project that will be in our hands sometime in the future. Maybe Bill could work his magic on the area as he did with KCMW, anyway, just a thought Cheers ;)

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Hi Guys,

The CRM is certainly a spectacular looking region and I'm sure you'll love how it looks in FSX. The sheer diversity in the landscapes has made it one of my favorite regions to work on.

Looking at those pics and comparing them to what I'm seeing in CRM right now, you will not be disappointed...Posted Image

Cheers, Martin

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Hi Guys,

The CRM is certainly a spectacular looking region and I'm sure you'll love how it looks in FSX. The sheer diversity in the landscapes has made it one of my favorite regions to work on.

Looking at those pics and comparing them to what I'm seeing in CRM right now, you will not be disappointed...Posted Image

Cheers, Martin

that is good to hear ... my wallet empties at your beck and call B)
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