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Track IR stutter and jitter. Not smooth when panning (SOLVED).


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SYSTEM - C2D E8400 @ 3.6Ghz with 4GB PC2-6400 RAM and ATI 6870 1GB on Win7 64. FSX Gold + REX + ORBX scenery.

Not sure anyone else here has ever had an issue with this. I have seen some mention in other forums from those that did when trying to fix it for myself. Anyway, I wanted to share my little experience here in case it helps someone.

In terms of being able to smoothly pan my view in FSX on any given flight, it was hit and miss. Well it was mostly miss. I would fire up TIR and then FSX and 75% of the time the tracking would be jittery or it would hitch as I panned my head around in the VC. I messed with it forever. Smoothness settings, tracking speed settings, latest beta version TIR4 and 5 software and on and on. Even if I was getting killer framerates, I would still get less than smooth panning. Ocasionally I would get that TrackIR bliss and could smoothly look around the plane in a flight but that was rare. I had almost given up. I even tried going into the process in task manager and giving it real time priority. No change in quality of panning.

A few nights back I went into Task Manager. Went into the TrackIR process (right click I think) and changed it's affinity. Instead of "ALL" (both 0 and 1) enabled, I un-checked "ALL" and then assigned TrackIR process to CPU1. Not 0 but 1.

For the last 3 or 4 nights I have had several flights and the panning is flawlessly silky smooth at all times even when the framerate dips into the low 20's. In fact, the flight feels smoother as well!

I hope this is not a fluke but so far so good. My FSX flying in beutiful ORBX scenery has never been better or smoother and I fly with the sliders set per the ORBX manuals. Autogen on DENSE though and I used Jesus' online tweak utility to adjust my FSX.CFG file. But that was always the case before I tried to change the affinity assignment of the TIR process to CPU1.

Just felt like sharing that.


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Charles - are you using Affinitymask=14?  If so then that would jive with your tweak.



No. I thought Affinitymask=14 was for quadcores? FSX SP2 is dual core aware by default as well I thought so no Affinitymask tweak required unless quad right?


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