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Lancair and the GSN530


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I have the Garmin GNS530 WAAS installed.  In other a/c instls you can click on the lower half of the unit and enlarge it to the upper portion of the screen.  My instl will not enlarge even though the "magnifying glass" is there.  Others in this forum have indicated it does work with the Lancair.  It works normally otherwise, so the instl must be okay.  It does enlarge on other aircraft.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Order# FSS0081804

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  • 2 months later...


I have same problem. The Avsim review compelled me to purchase the ORBX Lancair and also sold me on the RXP Flightline N and GSN530 upgrades. But at this moment I am wishing I'd never never gone down this road at all without more of a turn-key solution to upgrading the panel.

As it is I do have the 530 installed (but as yet untested) using the RPX Config tool, but as I mentioned the magnify pop-up doesn't work and I have absolutely no idea what I should do with the Flightline N gauges. Which instruments need changing on the basic Lancair? Also, I thought I saw a magnified HSI gauge in the review and I am after that functionality.  For me, without the bigger views on the HSI and the 530RXP the appeal of the Lanc is significantly reduced.

Jared has made a sterling effort to show us the way. But I am having to hunt in the forums for clues re the magnify problem and I really wasn't expecting to have to immerse myself in panel programming.  Definitely not for faint-hearted or extremely busy people.

Still, having spent 100 bucks so far I won't be happy until I have reached my goal so any further clarification will be more than welcome.

Best regards to all,


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With a fresher brain this morning  and a couple of Ristretto espressos, all seems to be present and correct including popups.

Can't wait to commence virtual flight training on the Lancair now. Thank you to Bill for the excellent Jaguar livery. If I can't get airborne I can always sit and polish the veneer. 

Best wishes to all,


PS Heiko, thank you for posting - I was wrong and you are 100% right! 

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