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Tree problem


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Not sure whether you will be able to see my problem in the screenie, but here goes.

In the past, if I forgot to change FTX central back to Aus after flying in the USA, I would get some trees that had a blue outline. Now, regardless of whether I change FTX Central or not, I have the blue outlined trees in Aus. Help please. Teecee.

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Did you try switching to FSX default before changing to AU?

And if that doesn't work, try changing to default, load up FSX, check your trees, and scenery library configuration (to make sure the changes are taking place), and then switching to AU and checking the scenery library config again?

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Thanks mate. OK, tried running in default with "Use orbx trees" turned off, and still seeing these blue edged trees, so it really looks like my tree library has been corrupted. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to reinstall just the default trees please.

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Hi Teecee, I'm gonna suggest something stupid, but try it anyway, you have nothing to lose.

Change your season. Pick spring, then summer, then Autumn to see if the trees look any different.

I suggest this because the trees don't really look wrong to me, I've seen loads and pictures with that geyish blue tinge with the green, and I believe we have just had a season change in FSX in general.

I may be way off, but I've noticed a lot of differences over the last couple of weeks.

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Well, if you are at the point where you need to do a repair, then this is how I do it when I corrupt something internal to FSX:

1. Run FTX Central and switch to default

2. Backup your FSX Simobjects folder, Flight Simulator X Files folder, and FSX Appdata folder

3. Run the repair option from either the FSX Disc 1 or Acceleration CD (depending on if you have Acceleration installed)

4. Replace what files you need to that you backed up

5. You are back to flying!

Let us know if this worked!

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