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I may be wrong, as this may have been posted before, but here goes.


There is a great review of PNW on this site, but more importantly, this seems to be a relatively new site, looking for members, and it occurred to me that some of you may be interested in swelling their ranks. It looks like a well put together site, and the guys seem like a good bunch. Take a look and see what you think. Teecee.

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Teecee, thanks for stopping by the website.  I am one of the reviewers for the website and coauthor on the PNW review.  I look forward to seeing you in the forums. 

Mike Cameron

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Clicked that link and my download manager kicked in immediately during loading. That's a really bad move dude, no one in their right mind allows ANY web site to download anything without clicking a link.

If it's a legit site then I apologise, but I'm reporting this straight away.

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No idea what you are on about Tigerclaw. I opened the link, and posted it here as I have done many  times before. If you feel that you need to "report" something, feel free to do so, the website is legit. Teecee.

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Just clicked it again guys, and it did the same thing. I don't mean to be awkward, but I can't see the web site, it just tries to download something.

Maybe it's a Mac thing, Safari maybe? The download manager I'm using is Folx. It catches "clicked" download links, but doesn't download stuff without clicking a link.

I DID report it to the admins for them to look at it, and if nothing is wrong, then no worries. Better to be on the safe side I feel. But it definitely doesn't show a web page on my Mac, sorry.

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I saw your report and checked it out, it is 100% legit and nothing to worry about, I think you have a setting in your download manager not quite right, in your case you are probably off with backward link compatibility, so go to this page and click on the review

@xworld, well done thank you very much!

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