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This week's Meaningless Topic (#212)(Sept. 25)

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Hi all. I was cutting some plastic with an Exacto knife and not paying close attention. After one pass, I noticed something attached to the knife blade -- it was a slice off the tip of my finger! My first thought was, "that was stupid of me!" And it was. Which leads to this week's topic.


THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC:  What's the dumbest thing you ever did to yourself?

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Some years ago I was getting ready to slice a piece of corned beef for dinner.  I was sharpening the knife with a hand held sharpener, with predictable results. I ended up slicing my palm.  Had to go to the ER where they glued and taped me back together.


Then there was the time in the blacksmith shop.  I was a new apprentice and made the mistake of picking up "black heat:" a piece of iron that was just not quite hot enough to glow.  Typical beginner's mistake.  I think every aspiring smith does it once, but only once.



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Well way back in the early 40s or 50s I used to go swimming a couple nights a

Week at the YMCA, it just so happens that on Thursday night was family night. The problem was boys were not allowed to wear swimming trunks except on that night. Well you opened the door from the dressing room and the diving board was right there and I forgot it was indeed family night, so I got undressed pushed the door open and proceeded run an dive into the water and to my surprise when I surfaced there  were families all around staring ot me laughing. The lifeguard threw me a towel that happened to be my dad who was in hysterics.

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As Rob just said - to many things !


However - not to myself - last week I reversed into a lamppost outside my unit - that I have lived in for 11 years


knocked it over and I just paid the bill of $2167 to have it repaired /replaced - OUCH!!


Not exactly the birthday present I wanted last week


MSFS 2024 might have to wait a while

Edited by John Heaton
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38 minutes ago, W2DR said:

I fell down a flight of 30 steps on a cruise ship. Almost a month in the hospital and the PT is ongoing. That was almost a year ago and my neurologist tells me that things aren't get any better. Sigh.........

Sorry to hear that Doug, but your lucky in a way it could have been much worse.

Take care of yourself my friend. I read all the time about people getting killed failing down stairs, there were a couple just recently around the area.



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1 hour ago, W2DR said:

I fell down a flight of 30 steps on a cruise ship. Almost a month in the hospital and the PT is ongoing. That was almost a year ago and my neurologist tells me that things aren't get any better. Sigh.........

Very sorry about your misfortune, Doug.  What was supposed to be a fun time ends badly. 


Most of us on this forum are of an age where falls are both more common, and more serious.


About 20 years ago I fell down a flight of stairs at home.  I was coming out of the bathroom, and turned for the bedroom too early.  Stepped into space, and didn't touch a thing until my shoulder went through the wall at the bottom. A sore shoulder still bothers me but otherwise unscathed. If that happened to me now it would probably kill me.  We now have night lights in the hall, and loop a cord around the door knob that allows the door to be opened just enough to let the cat through.


But even with that my wife fell down the same stairs a decade later.  She ended up sliding all the way down and her right leg slammed into the door jamb at the bottom.  Tibia plateau fracture. Surgery, A week in the hospital, A month in rehab (nursing home), and months of PT, and still a life-long handicap.  Even with that she was lucky.  Had she fallen head first it would likely have killed her. This accident also radically changed retirement plans: we had planned on buying a cruising sailboat. That's out of the question. Flight Simulator is the consolation prize.  I was unhappy about where the hand rails on both flights of stairs end, so I installed grab bars (the kind intended for bathtubs) on both sides of the top of the stairs to provide a convenient hand hold where needed.


So, my friends, I suggest looking about your domicile for any hazards, and try to fix them.  And be careful!



Edited by Ken Q
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After starting a new job driving refrigerated lorries, at one of the earlier deliveries,

I managed to run over my own little toe on my right foot with a pallet truck carrying

a ton of tomatoes.
Despite the steel toe-capped boots, I managed to find the tiny gap between grievous
injury and protection and break the toe.
Not long after that, I was going downstairs, unnecessarily in the dark and tripped over
a dog toy, breaking the next toe along.

It's now around 21 years since I did these careless things and in cold weather,

my right foot reminds me that I shouldn't have.


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Ok, I guess the biggest mistake was having a sister-in-law that always gave my kids Christmas presents that consisted of at least 500 separate parts, like a farm set, Army set, etc.  Worse than stepping on Leggos at night barefoot!  Her sister, my wife, was the good part.

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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

After starting a new job driving refrigerated lorries, at one of the earlier deliveries,

I managed to run over my own little toe on my right foot with a pallet truck carrying

a ton of tomatoes.
Despite the steel toe-capped boots, I managed to find the tiny gap between grievous
injury and protection and break the toe.
Not long after that, I was going downstairs, unnecessarily in the dark and tripped over
a dog toy, breaking the next toe along.

It's now around 21 years since I did these careless things and in cold weather,

my right foot reminds me that I shouldn't have.


In my long career at the museum I did, at times work on our mid 19th century farm.  This included working with the horses, two 1700 lb Morgan-Percherons. Marty, the farm boss, told me, and others, never wear steel toed boots.  If one of those horses should step on my foot, he said, the steel toe lining would cut off my toes.  'Nuff said.  I always wear low boots at work, but I've never worn the steel toed variety. One of the horses did, in fact, step on my foot, but since the ground underneath was fairly soft, it hurt like h***, but did no damage.


It's not s job. It's an adventure!


These steel toed boots can be a great safety precaution, but the are not suitable for all situations.





Edited by Ken Q
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From 12 yrs old up until I was 17 I did competitive springboard diving. Springboard diving mostly goes to plan if you're on a proper diving board. Hower when I was 14 my extended family and I were doing a boat trip on Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe. I thought I would show off my diving skills and do a back somersault off the edge of the boat. Now, when you push your legs down on a boat in the water there is no " bouncy bouncy". I just managed to get my torso beyond 270° and smacked my head on the edge of the fibreglass boat. The result was a fractured skull. I now have a lovely furrow on my skull. Fortunately there were no detectable neurological abnormalities. Fortunately there were no detectable neurological abnormalities. Fortunately there were no detectable neurological disorders. When I was 22.... Bloody boat!

G :)

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20 minutes ago, boetie said:

From 12 yrs old up until I was 17 I did competitive springboard diving. Springboard diving mostly goes to plan if you're on a proper diving board. Hower when I was 14 my extended family and I were doing a boat trip on Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe. I thought I would show off my diving skills and do a back somersault off the edge of the boat. Now, when you push your legs down on a boat in the water there is no " bouncy bouncy". I just managed to get my torso beyond 270° and smacked my head on the edge of the fibreglass boat. The result was a fractured skull. I now have a lovely furrow on my skull. Fortunately there were no detectable neurological abnormalities. Fortunately there were no detectable neurological abnormalities. Fortunately there were no detectable neurological disorders. When I was 22.... Bloody boat!

G :)

Ouch I felt that.😱



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On 9/25/2024 at 8:54 PM, Aussieflyer38 said:

First, as I have stated before, I'm no computer wizz, and as I've got older, of course it hasn't got any better. 😒

Some few months back I went looking for a fix on my rig freezing etc. Tried a couple of things nothing worked, and unfortunately along the way, one of these wankers gave me

a virus. I got one of those messages that told me my computer was infected - so much for Macafee that said it had just scanned my system - all good. BS, I was in deep doodoo, lost a lot of stuff, pictures and other. MS Win11 Security ain't worth a pinch of billy goat poo. Anyway what is done is done, can't change that. Apart from all that my computer works at crawling pace as well. Health issues intervened which is why I'm only tackling this now.   

I'm thinking of installing Norton Antivirus Software, opinions please or suggestions of what you guys are using - successfully.

Also, I am considering wiping my HDD and re-installing Win 11 and MSFS, both big jobs, just hope I live long enough to finish the task, and I would hope one of you gentlemen might scream out, NO NO don't do that do this, you know, the lifeboat alongside the sinking ship 🤨and if I going to reinstall MSFS  then I guess I have to spend a few dollars and install a new HDD and go with MSFS24. I would not risk installing Win11 and MSFS on my current HDD as there maybe nasties lurking that don't get wiped off. 

I would really appreciate your opinions on my dilemma. I would like to get it sorted so I can do some flying again even if I have to reinstall MSFS20.  Really looking forward to downloading and installing sceneries again -yeah right. 😡I have one last question about if I can put Win 11 and MSFS 20 0r 24 on a remote HDD. 

Thanks for any/all help.




20 minutes ago, gumbypickett said:

Ouch I felt that.😱




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