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is this where we are heading?


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that was interesting but I dont think in the future whole living rooms will be devoted to the computer.... I believe that soon computer technology will let us down the only thing I care about in my computer is flight sim  8) cool post though I dig some of the outta the flight sim realm topics and you always have interesting info!

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I think we are definitely heading down the touchscreen style of PC input... it is happening more and more right now...

As for computers letting us down... perhaps, in some ways... wasn't the idea of technology to make life easier? Well that one could be debated... It could be argued life is more complicated than ever with all this new technology emerging.

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It has been said that "All the computer problems in the world cannot be fixed with just the wave of a hand".....

Maybe they were wrong!

This was a very interesting article and very pertinent to us as simmers. Spacial awareness and the creation of real world environment is where we are all aiming (triple head2go, projectors, trackir), looking for that near real flying simulation.

The mind boggles at what those people who think outside the square could do for our "obsession".


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Seen it all before, there is nothing new about that technology whatsoever. VR gloves have been around since the late 80s, sort of the same as 3D, it has been attempted to make it mainstream since the 50s with the red/green glasses, attempted again in the 90s and now we are seeing the 21st century version of it. The future of TV for example in my opinion does not lay with 3D.. it is IPTV which will make our living rooms the virtual world that Asimov intended :)

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I assume you mean cloud computing? If so, for the full idea... think of it as Microsoft and every other software developer not selling you a copy of Office or any other application to install on your PC but instead giving you the license to run it from their servers on demand, over the internet. Now imagine all of your applications running the same way - nothing is installed locally. The infrastructure bechind all that, with servers all over the planet hiding details from you the user is cloud computing.

The full extent of it is really all pie in the sky stuff right now because the world doesn't have the infrastructure to support it right now. Today, things like Amazon and google use some aspects of the concept in their operations. When you search via Google you aren't necessarily going back to their one server somewhere in the world. It's most likely a local server, near-by that processes your request but that detail is hidden from you.

It is good in that it means that the customer doesn't have to worry about installation, configuration or upgrading because it all just happens on the servers and is managed by the application manager (i.e. Microsoft for office). A machine rebuild should be as easy as putting the OS back on and preserving user data (like documents and things) because none of the applications themselves are actually stored locally.

It's bad because if the application manager goes belly up you loose your application. Or if your internet is down your computer becomes an expensive paper weight.

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Seen it all before, there is nothing new about that technology whatsoever. VR gloves have been around since the late 80s, sort of the same as 3D, it has been attempted to make it mainstream since the 50s with the red/green glasses, attempted again in the 90s and now we are seeing the 21st century version of it. The future of TV for example in my opinion does not lay with 3D.. it is IPTV which will make our living rooms the virtual world that Asimov intended :)

I tend to agree that these new 3D TVs are a bit of a fad and I can't see them catching on over the long term.

I think the next big thing for TVs will be there seemless integration with the internet, plus look out for next gen TVs with all the Tivo, media player, PVR and hard drive kind of stuff built in...

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Thanks John , thats it in a nutshell . I cant help feeling that an annual fee would be involved for all your needs . Hang on to the old off line tech  - like my dial phone I bought for a couple of bucks at the market . Still works if there is a power cut ( which is too frequent where I live in the hills .)

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