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Spain South HD City of Cadiz not there?


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I was delighted to find out that Orbx has released Southern Spain …but doing one flight I found out it is not finished…for instance …the city of Cadiz is not there and third Party airports I bought like Aerosoft Malaga are being messed up with autogen buildings …..are there any updates planned on this?

Edited by Bombachek
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  • Bombachek changed the title to Spain South HD City of Cadiz not there?
On 12/20/2021 at 11:53 AM, John Dow said:

Maybe check your install and ini file, I tested that part of Spain and I definitely saw the city in detail, even commented on a couple of areas of blurry terrain where there must be military installations

Thanks for your quick reply ,I did a complete clean install with a folder with only True Earth south Spain in it, but still there is no depiction of the whole city of Cadiz...only a few houses...meanwhile I have my world objects to highest.Could you tell what the "default" folder does? Thanks

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Cadiz is most definitely there, it was the area I first worked on when creating the product as it's an area I was familiar with and is still the first area I start up in when testing things and fixes.


It's impossible to tell you what's going on without further information. We'd need to see a screenshot of what you're seeing as well as your scenery_packs.ini file inside your custom scenery folder. It could either be:


1) You have a corrupt install somehow and the tile in particular covering Cadiz is missing or not loading.. Although I suspect you would have received a crash-to-desktop if something was corrupted

2) You have some other scenery installed in the area that is overriding TrueEarth Spain... We won't be able to tell without seeing your scenery_packs.ini file and a screenshot of the issue






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I am unsure what the Default file is but will check.

The Orbx airport folder is to correct the alignment of some airports in the relation between their alignment with default scenery to the more real alignment in photo scenery. It is not any enhanced version of the airports.

Your scenery_packs.ini layering is incorrect and i have corrected it as far as Orbx addons are concerned.

Your placement of Global Airports is way off as it should be directly under the last 3rd party Airport entry and ALL True earth addons should be placed directly under Global Airports.

Drop the attached scenery_packs.ini into your Custom Scenery folder to replace the existing one. Keep a spare copy of it somewhere safe as well.

Do you use an organiser at all?


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Thanks... looks like some ordering issues as John pointed out.


Other things I noticed are some third-party airports such as a_LEJR_Jerez_v1.0. I'm not sure what this package is, but if the developer has added buildings to Cadiz itself, they may have used exclusion zones that would wipe out our autogen etc..and I have seen this happen numerous times before


We'd certainly need a screenshot to see what's going on however.


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