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TE Spain South airport fixes

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Both the airports you mention are either the default ones that are in TE Southern Spain or you have 3rd parry addons. The default ones are fixed as far as removing duplicate buildings is concerned.  To get things like floodlight poles changed etc would be either up to Laminar ( for the default airport) or  for the Developer of the 3rd party addon like Aerosoft if that is the Developer's addon you are referring to.

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Thanks Jon.

I tried without loading TE Spain and they are OK, but reading your reply I now think it may be as you say, duplicate poles from the default airports.


Thanks once again Jon for your time and your great help.


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On 12/18/2021 at 12:47 PM, Ross F said:

Hi Bokepacha,


which parts of the airport can be fixed with WeD? 


at this point im willing to try anything 

Sorry, I am not coming much to the forum.

What I did is to reduce the orthophotos extension to just the airport. I modified the final images to fit the airport boundaries. I might have done other things (I tried many, many things) but I can't recall now.

Basically the ortho does not extend to the mountains, but only for the airport interior.

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