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LOWI building elevation issues west of airport

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I'm still seeing some elevation issues with the budlings across the Inn river to the west of the airport.


Prior to the 1.2 update the buildings were sunk into the ground but would jump to ground level when nearby.

Now they seem to be at ground level but jump a few meters into the air on approach.


(This is with the Asobo LOWI version deinstalled)


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I cannot replicate that.

Can you try a complete uninstall and reinstall of LOWI and this:



1. Delete any rolling cache.

2. Delete the Content.xml file.


3. Delete the simulator .dat files


4. Do not add anything other than the problem product(s) to the Community folder


before running MSFS again.




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Hi Nick,


I did that testing (deleted rollingcache, exited msfs, uninstalled/reinstalled lowi, disabled all addons except Orbx lowi, deleted index *.dat's, content.xml, ran msfs) - no luck - my problem when approaching the buildings to the west of the airport persists, as shown below.





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Hi Jon,


The only mesh product I have is the Orbx freeway Iceland mesh.


But when I did the testing above I had no mods other than Orbx LOWI in my community folder.


(I should also say all MS World Updates are fully installed and the asobo default LOWI is deleted in content manager)





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Difficult to find what is causing the issue for you as I too cannot replicate what you are seeing.

The pic below is what I see having renamed my Community folder to Community.x and a new community created with only Orbx LOWI in there.

I have no elevation issues apparent.



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I was seeing this in testing.  However it would only do this in VR .  Switching to 2D with just the Orbx installed and the problem went away.


Did you use your Content Manager to uninstall the Asobo LOWI?  If you removed the folder as was previously recommended the sim will put it straight back in when you start up.  Needs to be uninstalled via the Content manager in Marketplace.


Is your MSFS Microsoft Marketplace, Steam or XBox?  Different variables seem to generate different results.  Quite frustrating.





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