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Use of Addons Linker ok?


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I have several sceneries installed. If I use Addons Linker to remove the symbolic links because I want to try something would this be the same as uninstalling it in Orbx Central? Probably Orbx made changes to default LOWI (as an example) that would not get reverted by just removing the link?



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I think that will all depend upon where you installed the files to when you used Orbx Central.  This is an assumption as I've installed all my Orbx addons into MSFS.  I only use Addon Linker for freeware.


If you set the install location away from MSFS and were using addon linker for the Orbx scenery, removing the symbolic link to MSFS should not cause an issue with Orbx Central because the files are still in the location that you installed them to when using Orbx Central.

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Thank you. I have installed the Orbx addons in a library and use that location with Addons Linker.


For LOWI as an example. I assume that Orbx did not change the default LOWI when I installed Orbx LOWI? Because the SU5 update would have reverted that change.


So the following procedureis ok?


1) unlink Orbx LOWI

2) update MSFS to SU5

3) link Orbx LOWI to Community folder


Or would I have to uninstall Orbx LOWI before the Update?



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No the default LOWI is still there.  A suggestion is to uninstall the default LOWI via the content manager or edit the Content.XML so that the entry is false, saves two LOWIs being loaded and causing conflicts.


<Package name="asobo-airport-lwoi-innsbruck" active="false"/>


I have the EGGP I bought through Orbx Central and after SU5 there was a UK World Update which re-installed the Asobo EGGP, after the update I went in to the content manager and manually deleted EGGP.


So for you I'd suggest the following:


1) unlink the Orbx LOWI

2) update MSFS to SU5

3) got to content manager and uninstall LOWI or edit the content.xml

4) link Orbx LOWI


good luck


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