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Hello Dear Orbx Team!


I was very surprised that there is already a Mesh for MSFS2020 why?   I have flown in NZ areas under the default scenery and it is just amazing and beautiful  I think is a redundancy of unnecessary expending on a mesh just with airports is enough.  I think this is where we get into problems with elevation within  airports areas and other addon please don't




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As I have said elsewhere there are some glitches where add on scenery also changes mesh data.

I fly in NZ a lot and the new mesh is great. Improved terrain but also everything seems to sit better!

Not enough great airport add ons yet but rotorua and napier have no problems. Queenstown does and I gather Milford does as well (not been there yet since the new mesh)

Personally I think its great


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Hi Nick 


It is based on P3D  experience with other airports add ons where airport elevation data is conflicting with the mesh or vectors  and other problems between your software and other addons like flytampa  but so far I am enjoying flying msfs2020 with default scenery and some new addons airports and your airports are fantastic on both P3D and MSFS and the realism it is great although;  I preferer  not  changing the scenery on MSFS,  I maybe do later    I paid lot of money for the deluxe msfs and  I am loving it (just GA airplanes)  I am waiting for PMDG  to fly the big airplanes!

your Orbx scenery is amazing within P3D , Orbx, and Active Sky make P3D enjoyable    




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