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When can we expect our next AWESOME Scenery?


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I know I am going to get a verbal slap or something for asking this question, but I have learned that there is no unreasonable question!

So, I am sure there are a lot of us who are waiting very anxiously for the next NA package....Any hints or clues as to when and what is next?  Maybe this three-day weekend coming up in the US?

Sorry ORBX if your mad at me.....You can send me to my room...

Paul ;)  ;D

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Boy oh boy, but the Vashon strip is short.  Make sure that you use a very small, or very STOL plane, because it's easy to put anything larger than a 172 into the trees.

But the design is superb.  Congratulations to all invovled.

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See my post in the Vashon thread, I have suggested a few planes I found work well; Note you Can land a Ju-52, but you need to set things up well in advance, nimbleness is not it's forte, but it is a GREAT STOL plane!

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I have flown out of Vashon Island many times alot with a Cessna 150 and also a 172 ..I am taking real flyin out of there.. short field t/o with 5 deg of flaps full power hold brakes then release ... hold the stick back in your lap get the a/c off the ground get the nose down stay in ground effect built airspeed and then steep climb out...

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It is testing and hard.  Much harder than its nominal length would suggest.  In fact it is a plain b.... awful strip, but its a whole new challenge. 

Cathy I'm with you, how can the owner take off and land on the strip without considering how to make a few minor but significant changes (like cutting down some totally dangerous trees).

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Don't see the problem if you set up the approach correctly... see my video in the community videos forum.  The 172 will land in half the strip even with a slight downwind.  Tonight I will try the Bonanza and will post my results, I'm not worried aout the landing but the takeoff will be tight as I think.

EDIT...  Not as bad as I thought.  Set up 40% fuel and pilot only and got off reasonably easily in both directions in the Bonanza.  I used late application of first notch of flap to maximise lift vs speed.  Landing wasn't a problem with a properly set up approach, full flap a mile out and using power to maintain 80kts, as soon as I knoew I could clear the trees I chopped the power and let it descend relatively quickly to a fairly aggressive flare.

See Community Videos forum for the video.

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I have flown out of Vashon Island many times alot with a Cessna 150 and also a 172 ..I am taking real flyin out of there.. short field t/o with 5 deg of flaps full power hold brakes then release ... hold the stick back in your lap get the a/c off the ground get the nose down stay in ground effect built airspeed and then steep climb out...

Gary I'm only new here, so I don't want to rock the boat, but that looks  extremely odd to me - from what I know of 150/172 short take off procedure. I don't want to tell you what to do necessarily but it's always worth discussing these things in the interest of safety.

Firstly there isn't a C150 or 172 out there with 5 degrees of flap. 10 degrees minimum. 10 degrees is the recommended flap settings for short field take offs.

Secondly, by holding the stick fully back you essentially create the highest angle of attack possible. A high angle of attack, low airspeed and a dirty configuration don't bode well. In my experience and in fact the SOP's, the yoke should be 'pulled' only to lighten the load on the nosewheel. When the aircraft is ready to fly it will do so.

The longest runway at my regular airport is less than 500m (compared to 610m at 2S1), and we regularly jaunt off in fully laden C150's.

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I think you pull the stick back because you are doing a hybrid short and soft field take-off, you pull the stick back to relieve pressure on the nose wheel so it doesn't hit any ruts or holes.  Once up in ground effect you have to ease

the stick forewards and proceed parallel with the ground in ground effect until you reach best angle of climb speed, then climb out as usual, retracting flaps at 200 ft or so.

Also yeah, AFAIK 10 degrees is the minimun flap settings on the cessna 172 I use, but who knows what other have...

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