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Central showed XP11 product when MSFS selected


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I always used my Orbx Central App for my purchases. I only own one flight simulator, MSFS. My Orbx Central app only recognize my MSFS installation and therefore I can only purchase products belonging to MSFS.


Yesterday I purchased RJAA Narita, EIDW Dublin and UKBB Kyiv all of course the MSFS version..or so I thought.

After I paid for my purchase, the app opened up the sidebar with my 3 products ready for download.


Immediately I noticed that EIDW and UKBB are fine as they should be but alas..RJAA Narita is in the XPlane11 version. My immediate reaction was.."oh how could this be, I did not order the Xplane version, I ordered the MSFS version..heck I cannot even chose XPlane versions on my Orbx Central App"


Naturally my next step was to open a support ticket and ask for an explanation and remedy.


Well Orbx seems to have a different idea, I received a very short one line reply saying, He does not understand because I do have some Xplane past purchases in my account, and left me at that. High and dry.


Orbx..I am still waiting fair and square for my paid purchase of the MSFS version of RJAA Narita. Do the right thing by your loyal customers, acknowledge and send me a proper reply.


Buyers Beware.  

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Upon reviewing this deeper, it appears there was a link in the one of the Central product carousels that linked to the XP11 version of RJAA instead of the MSFS version. This has now been resolved.


Usually, like you mentioned, it's not possible to find products for another simulator in Central, except in very specific cases (being linked from the website, Central homepage, etc).


Sorry again for the inconvenience here.

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