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London Scenery

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What is the present situation with the London Scenery Pack in regard to the latest update from MS.


It was advised not to load both packages. However some of the mistakes in the update such as HMS Belfast at Tower Bridge are not present and displayed correctly in the Orbx version.


Is it safe to load the Orbx version?


If not ,when will we be able to?


Roger Bartlett

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I installed it ... the best of both worlds? ... no they are not compatible. 


1. Ships flash like fairy lights

2. Some areas of London are flattened, around Buckingham Place for instance.

3. Strange coloured highlights in random places. 

4. I see HMS Belfast correctly!

5. Some road intersections covered by a black squares.


Sorry Nick they are not compatible.


I don't see any compatibility switch in the Central!

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They are compatible. Don't you think the thousands of us who have installed would be complaining here if it wasn't? :)


"I don't see any compatibility switch in the Central!"


You realize that when you put an exclamation point in a statement like that, it's rather the same as putting it in ALL CAPS, right? :o


Step 1... Choose the London City Pack from Central:



2. Click on the Configure button.



Choose the setting that is best for you and then Save Changes.


The good news is that Orbx is working on a new version that will be even better and that Asobo themselves are working on improving the London photogrammetry from World Update 3. It will get better in the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any update on the compatibility of the London landmarks pack for people who bought it via the in game market place? The last update I saw said Orbx was talking to Asobo about options. I uninstalled the London landmarks pack as advised when the UK world update was released. I've not seen anything since about the London landmarks pack from the ingame market place is now compatible?

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