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ESSA Missing Taxiway, Apron, and Runway Markings


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I know this topic has been discussed many times but I cannot seem to find a fix based on what I've read in the forums so far. 


My ESSA taxiway, apron, and runway markings were once visible, however, I completed an uninstall/reinstall of ESSA to fix the flickering building textures which corrected that issue and improved performance, however, the taxiway, apron, and runway textures disappeared. Here is what I've tried so far:


1. Verified files for both ESSA and ObjectFlow

2. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling ESSA

3. Uninstalled ObjectFlow, created a new library, and reinstalled ObjectFlow (my Orbx Library/P3Dv4/Orbx ObjectFlow folder was and is still located outside of the sim in a separate directory)


My other Orbx airports are displaying taxiway, apron, and runway markings just fine.


I have included pics of ESSA and KSAN for comparison.
















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Hi Nick,


The first three pics are of ESSA and the last two are from KSAN. I added the KSAN pics to show that this is probably not an ObjectFlow issue as my other Orbx airports are displaying all of the ground markings correctly. ESSA is the only Orbx airport not displaying the ground markings.

The first three pics (of ESSA) do not show a taxiway centerline or edge marking. Runway 19R/01L shows no markings at all, and there are no apron/gate markings around the aircraft parking locations.




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I’m not. I’m using v4.5.13. I’ll update later today and report back. Before I do, may I ask what impact that may have considering my previously installed ESSA did have all taxiway, runway, and apron ground markings before I completed an uninstall/reinstall to correct texture flickering?




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If you are on v4.4+ you should be fine. Thought it might be that you were on an earlier version that it might be the issue.

do you have windsocks at ESSA?


We use objectflow for ground textures at ESSA which i dont think we did at KSAN. Its normally used for smaller tasks like windsocks etc but at ESSA it is very apparent when its not working.

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Thanks Marcus. I’ll check on the windsocks and report back. I’m happy I don’t have to update P3D because my sim is running perfect right now. 

Any other thoughts as do why I had ground markings before my uninstall/reinstall?

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Alright, in that case Objectflow is working at ESSA. Well, one step forward! :)

I wonder if something is corrupt with the installation of ESSA or that something is overriding the ground placement.

Can't remember if we've had this issue earlier, 90% of the time when the ground is not loading it is Objectflow not correctly functioning. The last 5% is a faulty installation of ESSA or 5% there is a navdata-addon or AI-package overriding our scenery.


Just a couple of questions:


1. Do you get the same result if you move ESSA to the top of the scenery stack?

2. Does the terrain appear to load correctly at the airport? The bridges appear to be bridges and not flat ground for instance?

3. Do you have the following files in your FTX_AA_ESSA/Scenery-folder (assuming you are using the default settings in the ESSA config tool):






Let's start with that and see where that leads us :)


Happy holidays by the way!





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Just heads up, I'm heading to my cabin over new years, leaving tomorrow morning and back after the weekend so I will check in on the matter once I'm back.

I'm sure Nick can help you otherwise as well (if he would be here during that period that is), but just so you know if the thread goes silent.




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4 hours ago, Marcus Nyberg said:

1. Do you get the same result if you move ESSA to the top of the scenery stack?

ESSA sits at the top of my Orbx scenery stack


4 hours ago, Marcus Nyberg said:

2. Does the terrain appear to load correctly at the airport? The bridges appear to be bridges and not flat ground for instance?

All appears to be fine.



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4 hours ago, Marcus Nyberg said:

3. Do you have the following files in your FTX_AA_ESSA/Scenery-folder (assuming you are using the default settings in the ESSA config tool):






This is interesting:


ESSA_GRD_2020_P3D.bgl was set as ESSA_GRD_2020_P3D.bgl.OFF. When removing the .OFF everything is fine. What config tool option would cause this to turn off?


Thank you Marcus!!!

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1 hour ago, Marcus Nyberg said:

Just heads up, I'm heading to my cabin over new years, leaving tomorrow morning and back after the weekend so I will check in on the matter once I'm back.

I'm sure Nick can help you otherwise as well (if he would be here during that period that is), but just so you know if the thread goes silent.




That sounds amazing! I'm dying to get to Sweden one of these days.

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6 hours ago, jc4276 said:


This is interesting:


ESSA_GRD_2020_P3D.bgl was set as ESSA_GRD_2020_P3D.bgl.OFF. When removing the .OFF everything is fine. What config tool option would cause this to turn off?


Thank you Marcus!!!



that would be the dynamic lighting switch in the Control Panel.

I'll mark this as resolved?

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Glad it worked!

Seems like the issue was on my end though. For some reason I seem to have removed the ground when unticking the dynamic lights in the latest ESSA edition.

A bit embarrasing mistake! Apologize you had to go through quite some customer service when we had messed up :)


I will fix that when back after the holidays.



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