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Concrete - Ground spikes

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Just a scenery glitch just report it to the zendesk on the Microsoft flight sim website with the vff map out so they can find the location and send the pic to.

Impossible for the asobo to check every inch of the world only way will get fixed is if they know about it. It's an easy thing to fix.

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I was just going through the forums and it seems to be a problem in many places.






hopeless product.

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11 hours ago, quelcertoleo said:

after the last update I noticed some spikes around Concrete, is this something with my installation or has anyone else noticed it?


I have noticed this near Concrete as well as a few other places. I've submitted a ticket to Zendesk. On the bright side, I suppose we can at least be thankful this latest patch didn't break the Mooney, again. Silver lining stuff, ya know.  :)

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1 hour ago, CageyMoose said:


I have noticed this near Concrete as well as a few other places. I've submitted a ticket to Zendesk. On the bright side, I suppose we can at least be thankful this latest patch didn't break the Mooney, again. Silver lining stuff, ya know.  :)


it's not time to cheer, unfortunately. :)

they broke the LongEz where you can't turn the magnetos key or the fuel selector with the mouse. The developer already contacted me and the workaround is to bind keys to those actions.

the pa44 has a minor probem, the OBS ring appears to be inop. (this bug seems related to the one with the LongEz, perhaps our french friends broke again some API?)

many people are complaining that snow is not appearing where it should be appearing. I say that they are lucky because, for instance I fly a lot in the Alps and in that area everything is covered in white. Roads, airports, houses. There is so much snow that it looks like a russian steppe and absolutely unrealistic. St. Moritz is not Vladivostok, roads are clean, the airport is clean but in the game (yeah, game, not sim) everything is covered in white like in the north pole.


rant over. merry christmas from asobo :)

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Thanks, none of these things are Orbx product support matters and as we do not support the simulator itself,

this topic has no purpose here.

If you wish to draw these matters to the attention of Asobo so that they are aware of your views, there is indeed

the Zendesk, as well as their own forum.

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