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Development update on openLC Asia


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Hi all,


As hinted last week, here is an update regarding our plans with openLC Asia.

From the very beginning, Orbx's vision has been to cover the globe with updated textures and accurate landclass but that's obviously a monumental task, especially in areas for which we don't already have FTX Regions. Our experience with South America and Africa showed that to create a complete and accurate product we needed to invest a significant amount of time and effort. If anything, the great landscape diversity across Asia makes this an even more challenging product, especially in the face of a new sim platform launching and some uncertainty in the market for our landclass products. 

However, Lockheed Martin's continuing development of P3D is a strong indicator that simmers are still enjoying the platform and, in turn, we remain committed to expanding its base. What better way than to complete the openLC series?


So here is the plan for the rollout of openLC Asia:


The product will be developed in three stages and areas, as indicated in the map below, and in the order of the numbered areas. Areas 1 & 2 are less complex in terms of landclass textures and autogen, hence them being released sooner. Area 3 is the bigger challenge requiring many new texture sets and custom autogen and thus will take the longest to deliver.


We will release Areas 1 and 2 at early-bird prices (still to be determined) that will give you the whole product once completed. That way early adopters will end up paying less for the final product and enjoy the areas right when they become available.


In terms of a very rough release schedule: we anticipate Area 1 to be in testing late December, and thus a release in the first quarter of 2021, with the other two areas to follow over the next 8 - 12 months.


Happy to hear your feedback.







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It's cool to see that you're finally developing Asia. I'm very content with the roadmap you laid out here, it corresponds a lot to what we "talked about" in the other thread. I find it particularly great that you're splitting the product in three parts and even want to grant discounts on it. Thank you and now go to work. :D;)

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Some feedback - my initial reaction is one of ambivalence.

I think had this been released before MSFS was announced/turned up in the Flight Sim scene, it would have sold very well.

It is a massive undertaking. I think splitting it into 3 releases is a good idea.

These days my flying is 95% MSFS, 5% P3D, & that 5% is due to the lack of aircraft I particularly like to fly not being available in MSFS, but I do have in P3D.

Whether I purchase or not I think will come down to the pricing & 'what it looks like', ie, how much better it looks compared to the current default land class. & also how much SSD space it takes.

I regret sounding negative on it, the problem from my perspective is that I have moved on to MSFS.

Hopefully it will look good enough to entice me back to spending time & $ in P3D.:)

In this regard, quality periodic 'teaser' swipe right to see the difference shots would help the cause.



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Definitely will purchase it. With lack of perspective for a good quality airliner in the MSFS I'll be sticking to P3D for at least a year from now.
Very good that LC series will be completed and will eventually cover the whole world.

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16 minutes ago, a_fan said:

Definitely will purchase it. With lack of perspective for a good quality airliner in the MSFS I'll be sticking to P3D for at least a year from now.
Very good that LC series will be completed and will eventually cover the whole world.


Same here. Interested to see how MSFS matures but my heart and wallet are with P3D right now.

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You may already expect that I am more than happy with this announcement. This is one of the cases where I will be an early adopter. 
My biggest interest is part 3, and I can fully understand the challenges that make this part take longer than the others.

Thanks for the good news!

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1 hour ago, TigerTigerM said:

Some feedback - my initial reaction is one of ambivalence.

I think had this been released before MSFS was announced/turned up in the Flight Sim scene, it would have sold very well.

It is a massive undertaking. I think splitting it into 3 releases is a good idea.

These days my flying is 95% MSFS, 5% P3D, & that 5% is due to the lack of aircraft I particularly like to fly not being available in MSFS, but I do have in P3D.

Whether I purchase or not I think will come down to the pricing & 'what it looks like', ie, how much better it looks compared to the current default land class. & also how much SSD space it takes.

I regret sounding negative on it, the problem from my perspective is that I have moved on to MSFS.

Hopefully it will look good enough to entice me back to spending time & $ in P3D.:)

In this regard, quality periodic 'teaser' swipe right to see the difference shots would help the cause.



I don't find the comment that negative, it is actually the reality for many and I think we all are allowed to express our thoughts, feedback was requested and they are always interested in knowing what the community thinks as it is for us for whom they develop

Before MSFS I would have been jumping in one leg of joy too but unfortunately I'm not launching P3D as much as I used to do it. I actually uninstalled v5 as it never ended being a headache for me. I got captured but the beauty of MSFS, even though curiosity kills me as I have a lot of airports for Asia and the idea of having them on a nice land class product as have always wanted, attracts me. If we add the discounted prices that makes it more appealing and having finally the whole world in land class would be nice too. I do hope they made it for V4.5

So as you said "pricing & what it looks like" are key to decide, the interest is there just need a push I think as I would like to see all my Asian airports on a nice terrain while flying PMDG. That sounds attractive.

So let's see what happens in the next 6 months.



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52 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

You may already expect that I am more than happy with this announcement. This is one of the cases where I will be an early adopter. 
My biggest interest is part 3, and I can fully understand the challenges that make this part take longer than the others.

Thanks for the good news!




My objective is to do more flying around the Japanese Islands.  So I'll be hanging out for Region 3, although Region 1 could be interesting too. I have some Middle East to India flights lined up.

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This is indeed, most exciting news! I think the development plan looks good, especially since the work on it will be more complex and difficult. At the end of the day, this is simply a huge plus for the sim world :) I still use P3D 4.5 and 5, and have only been dabbling in MSFS. 

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Great idea and nice to hear its not a dead project.

However I am sad that we wont see UAE covered in here as it wasn't covered by Africa.
Are there any plans for a specific UAE addon at a certain time?

But its amazing to see and to expect Asia being covered by Orbx. Can't wait!

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great news, also a great way of getting it out there in 3 chunks....I will certainly be buying....Like Landon I use both 4.5 & 5.1 and the odd MSFS, so this is great for me, it's actually the only area I don't really sim in.....

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I'm very enthusiastic about this product! Thank you for committing to it!!


95% of my time is spent with Prepar3d V5. I will visit the MSFS world once a week for a short flight, but always return to P3D. MSFS is far from where it has the potential to go. I just can't get past that less than half of the world is even remotely attractive. Some day, when MS actually delivers the whole world, things may be different. 


Thanks again for continuing your development for P3D!! I'm grateful!

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This is a map I posted in the poll thread. Credits go to @carlosqr as this repartition was his idea.




As you can see, it's not that different from the 'official' map above in the opening post. Could it be a viable option to enlarge the blue part (part 1) for 'Greater Tibet' to have the Himalaya / Tibet region together in one?

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I'm with TTM on this. A year ago I'd have been excited. I have almost everything Orbx has produced (for some reason not entirely clear to me, I don't get turned on by Scandinavia - sorry folks out there) but I haven't touched P3D since MSFS came out. I'll probably still buy this, just to see how it looks, but I don't expect to be overwhelmed by it. That's the nature of LC for me now.

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Super great news, thanks for listening to the community.


I own many Orbx products and I'm most interested in zone 3 and I will certainly buy 1 and 2 zones at "at early-bird prices" to support Orbx if you firmly commit to deliver zone 3 later.

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Looks like the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, etc) is being left out. Why? Does Orbx not consider this to be part of Asia? Turkey is also left out, however since Turkey is partially in Europe I assume it's covered by openLC EU (even for the Asian part of the country).


Also, there seems to be some confusion about the order as FSElite mentions Japan/China/Indonesia as number two and Russia as number three while at the picture it's the other way around.


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22 minutes ago, PatrickZZ said:

Looks like the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, etc) is being left out. Why? Does Orbx not consider this to be part of Asia? Turkey is also left out, however since Turkey is partially in Europe I assume it's covered by openLC EU (even for the Asian part of the country).


Also, there seems to be some confusion about the order as FSElite mentions Japan/China/Indonesia as number two and Russia as number three while at the picture it's the other way around.


That area is included in LC Africa

And yes Turkey is covered by Europe LC


Here is the gorgeous map they did




And I found Turkey :lol:






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Feedback? First and foremost thank you Orbx that you will finally develop OLC Asia. :D

The release split in parts seems to be a good idea for such a big project. Also, early-bird purchases should be beneficial for both parties: You get a return of Investment, while we get your commitment to finish the project.

And with the latest posts by PMDG and Leonardo it is clear that P3D is here to stay for my type of IFR flying. But please just make sure to finish part 3, as this is probably the most exciting part but also the one with most add-ons available already. And at the same time please do not rush with the first parts too much as texture recycling would not to the Middle East and Siberia justice. We have waited so long for it and can wait a few months more.

Thank again for this pleasant surprise Orbx :lol:

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2 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Could it be a viable option to enlarge the blue part (part 1) for 'Greater Tibet' to have the Himalaya / Tibet region together in one?

Yeap, the official map has like half Nepal maybe they could go an extra mile and cover up to the red line.

This project is interesting indeed






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Well done Orbx,


Being from this side of the world, my main flying area of interest is the reverse order: 3,2, then 1.


I will be purchasing area one early and will eagerly building the complete set :)


(Personally: Tried MSFS. Looks like it will be a long time before MSFS will be usable in a multiscreen, hardware driven, sim. Returned to P3d)


Great work.




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54 minutes ago, MarcusI said:

Is Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia currently covered by OpenLC Europe? Or it will be part of phase 2 of OpenLC Asia? The map looks weirdly split around that area, if it isn't already covered it by OpenLC Europe it would seem to make more sense to be part of phase 1 and not 2.


It is not covered by LC Europe and wil be covered by Asia 2 as can be seen in the map incl. in the OP, which makes more sense landclasswise than to be included in part 1.

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