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LIRQ FLORENCE PERETOLA crash when landing.

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Hi all,

approaching Florence I have a big FPS drop and landed the runway seems to have invisible obstacle

causing a crash in the middle of runway.

Before installing Gaya Florence I had 35/45 fps normally in this airport.

Now approaching I have 15 fps, no more. Same settings.

Thank you for your attention


Enzo Lofaro

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3 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


the product is by Gaya Simulations.

You can find their website by searching for "Gaya Simulations" and

there is a Support tab at the lower right hand side of the web page.

If you are using a rolling cache, please try it without one first.

Thank you Nik, for your prompt reply, but, just to be correct, I bought it by You and not by Gaya.

In the meantime I will serch for Gaya Simulations.


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just to be clear, as far as Gaya Simulations and all the other Orbx Partners are concerned, Orbx Direct is a marketing medium.

The developers of these products provide support for their own products, unless the problem is with the

installation process, as yours seems not to be.

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27 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


just to be clear, as far as Gaya Simulations and all the other Orbx Partners are concerned, Orbx Direct is a marketing medium.

The developers of these products provide support for their own products, unless the problem is with the

installation process, as yours seems not to be.


I reached Gaya Simulation forum, loged up, foud nothing about LIRQ, no support allowed for me.

Starting from LIRQ the sim freeze and no way to shot down.

Landing in LIRQ the aircraft crash against invisible objects.

Same with rollin cache disable and deleted.

If You are marketing medium you should be assitance medium too, imho.

Nex product I will buy directly from software house.


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6 hours ago, Raz Goeta said:

No. Our support is only by the ticketing system. 

I have just checked and seems like it's down for some reason- we are on it to solve asap (should be done quickly).

Specificly for @VINCENZO LOFARO i'm in personal communication with him via Gaya forums. 



Thank you Raz, I just done a tiket in Gaya Forum.

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Hi Guys, 

I'm not attend to replay here because we use a tickting system for our support and it's working very good for all! 

However, here are some facts and info it's important for me to replay here:

1. Runway bump: known issue with the photogarrametry of the simulator itself and happen in many other airports: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/runway-glitch-causes-crash/286206/58  .the borrom line here- we developing addons based on the base-simulator (MSFS) and we have no control on each person bandich or if the streaming of the photogarammetric is working good or not. 

2. Product name in the support form: 



3. @LaurieLourensz - we are not working 24/7 thus we replay to support tickets few times a day (and a lot of time during weekends- better than most of most of the companies in and out the flight simulator world I know):





Bottom line

Gaya Simulations is independant company and not part of Orbx. Orbx is one of our resellers (like Microsoft, Aerosoft, Simmarket) and support, feedbacks or any suggests and questiongs we use only the our support system. In our view (and experience) it's the best way to follow and track users problems. Having said that, we frequently reading forums and other pages for not-reported bugs or ideas we feel could go into our updates. 

We open for feedbacks however one should know an update to scenery prodcut is not coming from today for tomorrow and we do our best to make our products the best and with the minimal amount of bugs (i'm not sure there is any software out there fully bug free or was at any time at the history). 

Any further disucssion about support- only using our support system: https://forums.gaya-simulations.com/topic/312-how-to-contact-our-support/


Want to talk with us for anything else- we are happy to do so for any idea, suggest or simply share experience as a simmers (we all flight simmers btw) in any of our official channels:


Gaya forums: https://forums.gaya-simulations.com/ 

Gaya Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GayaSimulations

Gaya Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gayasimulations  (or simply @gayasimulations )






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