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MSFS 2020 - No fuel trucks available at all Orbx airports

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Can someone explain to me why all Orbx airports (LOWI, LOWW, EDDT, LGKO; EGLC) no longer have fuel trucks available?


I already reported this here regarding LOWI (Innsbruck), without ever having received an opinion from the manufacturer. I now know that others have this problem too.
If I still considered this to be an isolated case at LOWI, it is now the case at all Orbx airports.


Folks, I paid for these airports! So I want to be able to use all the functions of MSFS. Otherwise I would have expected a corresponding hint.


Orbx - request comments. Will there be a fix for this?


Best Regards
Michael Cronbach


EDDT - Transaction ID: 5f6790f83831f

EGLC - Transaction ID: 5f4cf99ea7012

ELKO - Transaction ID: 5f5a1038dba04

LOWI - Transaction ID: 5f4cf99ea7012

LOWW - Transaction ID: 5f5a1038dba04

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Thank you for the answer.


Yes, gaya airports, too. In the meantime, gaya answer me exactly with this reason:

"There is a tricky solution for it we are actually working on it (part of the sdk) and it will be available at the future updates for all of those airports."


So I must wait.


But airports of Aerosoft (EDLP) and Flightbeam (KDEN) all have Fuel trucks.



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