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What Could Make X-plane Crash in the Same Location? (Cross-post)


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The Log file is extremely small and contains no info of value. Please open it and you will see what i mean.I see there were some potential resolutions offered in your X-Plane,org forum posting. I do not believe it to be an Orbx issue until proven otherwise. I would suggest disabling all your plugins as recommended in the other forum responses, and see what happens

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Hi Jon,


First, please scroll up and check updates on my cross post.


I just ran it again, this time connected to PilotEdge, which I don't think matters. At this point I can't see how this is not a graphics pack issue. And to review, you might remember the other day you cleaned up my .ini file for me (thank you), as I was having issues in NorCal. But this is SoCal so I don't know how that would have any factor. Again, it happens in the same exact spot each time.




Thanks for your help.

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I have read the updated conversation you are having on X-plane.org. 

I don't know what you have done to the scenery_packs.ini but it now has double entries for KSFO related addons like this which is right at the top of your .ini and repeated further down the .ini. Check your Custom Scenery folder to see if you have 2 sets of folders for the Cable cars and 2 bridges. If so remove one set and place the attached .ini.

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco V2/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/


You still have not answered me on what is inside this addon:

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/North America FULL - OPEN ME/................. I need to know please.

To disable any scenery addon in the .ini you do one of 2 options.

1. Create another folder in XP and name it as Custom Scenery Disabled. Cut and paste the Orbx addons into it or drop them in there

2. The easiest way is to add  "SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED "  to the entry in the .ini like this:

SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_NoCal_TE_Custom/ to all the addons you want to disable. When you want them back the just modify by removing the

" _DIASABLED " portion




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On 8/30/2020 at 12:57 AM, Jon Clarke said:

I have read the updated conversation you are having on X-plane.org. 

I don't know what you have done to the scenery_packs.ini but it now has double entries for KSFO related addons like this which is right at the top of your .ini and repeated further down the .ini. Check your Custom Scenery folder to see if you have 2 sets of folders for the Cable cars and 2 bridges. If so remove one set and place the attached .ini.

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco V2/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/


You still have not answered me on what is inside this addon:

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/North America FULL - OPEN ME/................. I need to know please.

To disable any scenery addon in the .ini you do one of 2 options.

1. Create another folder in XP and name it as Custom Scenery Disabled. Cut and paste the Orbx addons into it or drop them in there

2. The easiest way is to add  "SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED "  to the entry in the .ini like this:

SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_NoCal_TE_Custom/ to all the addons you want to disable. When you want them back the just modify by removing the

" _DIASABLED " portion


scenery_packs.ini 10.7 kB · 0 downloads



Hi Jon,


In regards the crashing issue, I am able to fly in that area now without problems (so far). The only change I made was to stop using custom coordinates in my G1000 flight plan and use standard nav waypoints from Skyvector. I'm not sure but perhaps there is a bug that prevents one from using user waypoints/coords.


As for the duplication, thanks for point that out. I found that indeed these folders were duplicated. I deleted the duplications.


Regarding "North America FULL - OPEN ME/", this seems to be a night lighting plugin + scenery pack I must have added several months ago. If you think I should remove it please let me know.


I downloaded your .ini file and am using it. For good measure, I've uploaded it here again as I ran X-plane once and found that the issue with the Bay Bridge is still there. What is going wrong?


Thanks for your help!



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Glad that you have sorted out 99.9% of the issues you were having.

Probably removing one of the duplicated San Francisco copies left the single copy at the top of the scenery pack.

You really need only this part of the addon:

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco V2/  if you want to avoid potential clashes with TE NoCal addon. I would remove the Cable Cars and Bridges personally but I have left them in the scenery_pack.ini but placed them further down the scenery pack to avoid any issues.

You are potentially always going to get problems with the bridges if you keep the addon parts like these installed because they are not compatible with TE NoCal as explained earlier.


SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars/.......................Delete this
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/......................Delete this
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/......................Delete this



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Thanks Jon,


I really appreciate your help. And at this point, my priority is to use Orbx and have a stable system. So whatever you think I should remove please don't hesitate to give me your recommendation. 


I will give this .ini file version a try and report back.





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Hi Jon,


Well, the problems continue. I am using your .ini file now but the second part of the bridge is still not there. The road goes off into the water.


Also, I was flying an approach into KSAN along the shoreline and X-plane crashed on me (just now).







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Remove your SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/North America FULL - OPEN ME/ and ALL the KSFO Mister X files

As a test to ensure that there is not a problem with the Orbx addon I want you to do the following:

1. Rename your Custom Scenery Folder to Custom Scenery.BAK

2. In the same place as the Custom Scenry.BAK folder is make a new folder called Custom Scenery.

3 From the Custom Scenery.BAK folder make by right clicking the mouse over the following folders, :

TE NorCal Custom

TE NorCal Overlay

TE NorCal orthos

Global Airports.

Drop those shortcuts int o the new Custom Scenery folder.

Run XP and exit. Open the Custom Scenery folder and the scenery_packs.ini ( a new one would have been made with just the 4 addons in it). Make sure that the TE NorCal files are layered below Global Airports in this sequence:

TE NorCal Custom

TE NorCal Overlay

TE NorCal orthos airpprt and look at the bridge.

 Run a flight at the default KSFO


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16 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Remove your SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/North America FULL - OPEN ME/ and ALL the KSFO Mister X files

As a test to ensure that there is not a problem with the Orbx addon I want you to do the following:

1. Rename your Custom Scenery Folder to Custom Scenery.BAK

2. In the same place as the Custom Scenry.BAK folder is make a new folder called Custom Scenery.

3 From the Custom Scenery.BAK folder make by right clicking the mouse over the following folders, :

TE NorCal Custom

TE NorCal Overlay

TE NorCal orthos

Global Airports.

Drop those shortcuts int o the new Custom Scenery folder.

Run XP and exit. Open the Custom Scenery folder and the scenery_packs.ini ( a new one would have been made with just the 4 addons in it). Make sure that the TE NorCal files are layered below Global Airports in this sequence:

TE NorCal Custom

TE NorCal Overlay

TE NorCal orthos airpprt and look at the bridge.

 Run a flight at the default KSFO



Hi Jon,


Thanks again for your help. I followed your procedure and the other half of the bridge is now visible. It's not perfect (see screenshot) but I can live with it. As I'm using XP to learn how to fly the scenery isn't as important to me as being able to do some actual learning.


I've attached my current .ini file for your review.


I'd like to rebuild the .ini file. I realize beyond Orbx-related code it's out of scope but if you wouldn't mind letting me know what I need to do to rebuild the .ini file, which includes getting the Ortho4XP shortcuts back in there I would greatly appreciate it.


Thank you,





Annotation 2020-09-02 172155.jpg


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Ok, thank you.


But I am still concerned. I had the same problem happen just a moment ago, in the same place, same place as yesterday where It crashed, but different than before when it was crashing in the same place. And this is still in SoCal. I've attached a screenshot of the sectional, included my current .ini file as well as the log file.


I don't understand why it would crash in the same place, yet again, but a different place.



Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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I don't think I can help anymore as we have determined that SoCal is not responsible for these crashes as no one else is experiencing them.

I am also getting very confused because your Log file shows you are still using the .BAK Custom Scenery folder with SoCal added. That is not what I suggested.

I need to see the results from reverting back to the old Custom Scenery folder by removing the .BAK portion of the name, having deleted the newer Custom Scenery folder you created with the shortcuts of NorCal and Global Airports in it, plus then putting the scenery_packs I attached into the Custom Scenery folder

The scenery_packs file you attached also is wrongly layered but I am not going to rework it as it is irrelevant to what you need to do which is to do as I suggested. 

 I can now only suggest an option of 2 things:

1. Run the Verify Files option for both NorCal and SoCal having deleted any backup copy you may have and also Cleared your Temp folder. How to those 2 things are in the pic attached.

2  If that doesn't work then uninstall and reinstall the 2 addons. If that ends up as your option then after they have been reinstalled open the scenery packs file and make sure that NorCal and SoCal are just below Global Airports in the layering sequence of Custom/Overlay/Orthos



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Hi Jon,


Well I'm at a loss. This just has to be an Orbx-related issue. I can't think of anything else.


Here's what I have discovered:


  • I removed every reference to Orbx scenery and ran a couple of flights. (This, meaning I removed any references in the .ini file and also removed any shortcuts from the Custom Scenery folder). Ortho4XP was left in place.
  • I ran a few flights starting at LAX going to San Diego and it had no problems.
  • Next, I did the opposite, putting the Orbx references back and removing all non-Orbx references and shortcuts from my Custom Scenery folder.
  • X-plane crashes on startup at LAX every time. I also noted this is geographically very close to the area it was crashing when this problem began, only at a higher altitude (which probably doesn't even have a bearing)
  • I've run the Verify Files tool on each directory

I've included my current .ini file and my most recent log file. I'm also including a screenshot of my Custom Scenery folder.


Can you please take a look?


Finally, a question. I keep my Orbx files on an external USB hard drive. Is that a bad thing to do and should they be on the internal hard drive if possible?



scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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I see nothing untoward in general in the log file except the last entry saying the sim has crashed.

1. Did you do a Verify Files or a reinstall of the 2 addons having Cleared the Temp folder and deleted any Backup copy? You don't say if you did.

2. I want you to disable the file in Custom Scenery called Resources. A file of that name only should not be in there as Resources contains folder/files within it which should be showing up rather than just the complete folder title of Resources

3. When you have done all the above, make another Custom Scenery folder like you did previously but this time just make shortcuts for SoCal and Global Airports.

Making sure the SoCal entries are below Global Airports then do a flight in the area you are getting crashes in.


Regarding using an external drive to house your Orbx addons, no that is fine. The read/write speed of the drive is the only factor for consideration in as much as the loading time for a flight using scenery on the external drive will probably be a bit longer because external drives tend to be a bit slower, unless the external drive is an external SSD.

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12 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

I see nothing untoward in general in the log file except the last entry saying the sim has crashed.

1. Did you do a Verify Files or a reinstall of the 2 addons having Cleared the Temp folder and deleted any Backup copy? You don't say if you did.

2. I want you to disable the file in Custom Scenery called Resources. A file of that name only should not be in there as Resources contains folder/files within it which should be showing up rather than just the complete folder title of Resources

3. When you have done all the above, make another Custom Scenery folder like you did previously but this time just make shortcuts for SoCal and Global Airports.

Making sure the SoCal entries are below Global Airports then do a flight in the area you are getting crashes in.


Regarding using an external drive to house your Orbx addons, no that is fine. The read/write speed of the drive is the only factor for consideration in as much as the loading time for a flight using scenery on the external drive will probably be a bit longer because external drives tend to be a bit slower, unless the external drive is an external SSD.


Hi Jon,


Answers below:


1. Yes, I did a verify files and cleared the temp folder. I also deleted backup.

2. I disabled "Resources" folder by renaming it "Resources.BAK". Looks like there are files related to trees in there. Note: This is not in the new Custom Scenery folder but in the backup folder. See below.

3. Done. Please see scrreenshot.




I've included the new .ini file that XP created.


Thanks for the info on external hard drives. Just want to double confirm that this is not a potential issue by asking about the hard drive state. Do some USB hard drives go to sleep? And if so, can that cause an issue? 



Edit: I did all this and tried to load in at LAX. XP crashes after about 10 seconds.

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I am afraid I have run out of ideas as you are the only customer to have been reporting constant crashes in certain areas with the addons. Working remotely in trying to offer assistance is extremely difficult and I am not convinced it is caused by SoCal but maybe by SoCal and some other unidentified source combination.

 My final suggestion is radical but may help.

First off Uninstall SoCal via Orbx central.

Install a second copy of XP11. It will take up about 8GB of disk space. DO NOT download any of the Global Scenery when offered via the options in the XP Installer. We will use the existing Global Scenery folder you already have in your current XP 11 installation.

When downloaded you need to update XP again to the latest version as the initial download will only be version 11.05 I think. Again do not install any Global Scenery by clicking on None when that option appears.

 When it is updated run it and exit immediately. That way Orbx Central will recognise it and list it in your installed sims section of Orbx Central.

Via Orbx Central install SoCal into the new XP installation.

Make a shortcut connection from your current XP installation to the new installation of the following files:

Global Airports

Global Scenery.

Run XP and exit.

Check that your new Custom Scenery folder has the following and place in this sequence:

SoCal Airports

Global Airports

SoCal Custom/



DO NOT add anything else at all. No copying of any plugins , weather programmes or any other addon. The whole purpose of this exercise is to see if there is a fault with Orbx SoCal, nothing else.

Run a flight and see if you crash.

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On 9/5/2020 at 1:34 AM, Jon Clarke said:

I am afraid I have run out of ideas as you are the only customer to have been reporting constant crashes in certain areas with the addons. Working remotely in trying to offer assistance is extremely difficult and I am not convinced it is caused by SoCal but maybe by SoCal and some other unidentified source combination.

 My final suggestion is radical but may help.

First off Uninstall SoCal via Orbx central.

Install a second copy of XP11. It will take up about 8GB of disk space. DO NOT download any of the Global Scenery when offered via the options in the XP Installer. We will use the existing Global Scenery folder you already have in your current XP 11 installation.

When downloaded you need to update XP again to the latest version as the initial download will only be version 11.05 I think. Again do not install any Global Scenery by clicking on None when that option appears.

 When it is updated run it and exit immediately. That way Orbx Central will recognise it and list it in your installed sims section of Orbx Central.

Via Orbx Central install SoCal into the new XP installation.

Make a shortcut connection from your current XP installation to the new installation of the following files:

Global Airports

Global Scenery.

Run XP and exit.

Check that your new Custom Scenery folder has the following and place in this sequence:

SoCal Airports

Global Airports

SoCal Custom/



DO NOT add anything else at all. No copying of any plugins , weather programmes or any other addon. The whole purpose of this exercise is to see if there is a fault with Orbx SoCal, nothing else.

Run a flight and see if you crash.


Hi Jon,


Just rounding back to let you know I'm not ignoring this and thank you again for you support. I'm busy with work right now and can't work on this for another week or so.


Thanks again,


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