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Faulty Scenery

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Yesterday, i installed the Orbx freeware: Orbx Libraries, Orbx GLOBAL AIRPORT PACK(kinda of dumb and most likely why my fsx is all [Bad Word Replaced: profanity is not allowed]ed up now, i didnt see this required Orbx global base pack) and the Orbx Iceland Demo.


After that i ran into some issues, the scenary in Iceland was working fine, except the airports,  and this wasnt only in Iceland, a bunch of other airports are completely messed up, the elevation is not right, buildings are on top of the runway and bunch of other problems, this didnt happen before. I have Free Mesh Global 2.0  and REX 4, but i dont think this are the ones causing conflict, i research online the problem and need to use the airport elevation correction tool with something called ftx global vector, but i dont have that, i only have the freeware, I would appreciate all the help and thanks for reading this.


I have some screenshots










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The Global Freeware airports have their elevation set to match the original FSX mesh so any add on mesh can result in some elevation problems with some airports. The photos do not show Freeware airports but I think this is the problem as the original airport elevations do not match the mesh. The airport elevation correction tool in Vector will usually fix this by matching the airport elevations to other mesh. I would try looking at the airports with the mesh disabled to see if this fixes the problem.


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