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Moving to Maputo


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For the trip from FVFA Victoria Falls airport back to Mocambique I chose a bus. Luckily an Airbus.



The passengers on the left can still see the Victoria Falls.



To the right of the plane is Kruger NP, South Africa. To the left Limpopo NP, Mocambique, Lake Massingir is its southern end.



From the Kruger side Olifant and Letaba River feed the lake.



Soon the Indian Ocean shows up in the background...





Downwind into Maputo, with a nice overview of the city.



The industrial harbour shows little detail (like the ones in Freemantle or Rostock, for example).



But the airport works fine.


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Very nice series, Gerold.  Wonder how long SAA will remain airborne... very sad situation that has been a long time coming!  Hope someone like the successful Ethiopian Airlines throws a lifeline.



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4 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thank you Iain!


9 hours ago, adambar said:

Really nice set of shots Gerold!::)

Thanks, Adam!


11 hours ago, BradB said:

Grand shots from Africa Gerold . :):)

You are welcome, John.


11 hours ago, schtroumf said:

Superb the colorful backgrounds of the lagoons:oB)

Yes, the ocean colours make a nice contrast to the landscape.


5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That was cool Gerold, how in the world did you manage to find the falls?  Do you have a lat/long for them?

Yes Jack, I have added some major sights (and the OLC photoreals) into my Plan-G database. Sometimes, when I do not have coordinates, I already start searching in the web -just to find interesting background stories, history and politics. Translated for our wifes: "Flight simulation is an education program!"


9 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

The Great Green Greasy Limpopo.

About the only part of Kipling's Just So Stories I can remember being read to at school when I was about 5.

More excellent views from your tour around Africa Gerold.

Thank you Martyn! Kipling is not in the reading program of German schools... and I am impressed you remember reading this with 5!


5 hours ago, Hauer said:

Very nice series, Gerold.  Wonder how long SAA will remain airborne... very sad situation that has been a long time coming!  Hope someone like the successful Ethiopian Airlines throws a lifeline.


Thanks Herman. I have an active booking with SAA for September... and so I also hope they will remain alive. SAA plays a vital role for, at least, South Africa travel. 

The current troubles are the same for every airline, I think the air travel is cut by 98% or so.

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6 hours ago, Eberhard Haberkorn said:

Another set of amazing images.


Our National Airline, as depicted will probably be liquidated soon. The government does not want to pour in more money to keep it afloat.

Thank you for the comment on my images, Eberhard.


No thank you for the thoughts about SAA. As written above I have an active booking with them, already paid... and so I also hope they will remain alive. SAA plays a vital role for, at least, South Africa travel. 

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6 hours ago, Eberhard Haberkorn said:

Mmmmh. Do you intend to visit SA?


https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-04-19-business-unity-sa-backs-the-governments-decision-to-close-saa-bailout-tap/ ➤ [Lesen Sie mehr Neuigkeiten mit Welt Zeitungen android - http://bit.ly/33XHtt0]

Yes, we do intend that, Eberhard. Bad news, continuing a series of bad news on SAA. I can just sit, wait and keep my fingers crossed ???...

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