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Avalon problem


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Hi I have orbx Avalon and after I installed it I now get a on taxiway callout on takeoff with all Pmdg craft.  I have run mkernwys over and over and makes no difference.  Also re installed.   And re installed pmdg aircraft.  Funny thing is it happened to nzaa as well after I put in a 3rd party scenery for nzaa.  But still can’t fix that either.  Does anyone know how I can fix this please.   

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Hi Couger,


I don’t have a solution but I was about to post something about this also. I have exactly the same issue at YMAV. I have noticed the following and wondering if it is related.


  1. Incorrect RAAS call outs as you stated 
  2. ILS incorrectly aligned with the runway (off to the left)
  3. There are two BGL entries for the ILS, one for ORBX YMAV and one for AUv2.

I’m unsure as to whether it is wrong coding of the localizer antenna position and/or localizer true course by reference to runway axe. It’s above my level of knowledge.

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