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A change of direction


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With big thunder storms through central Victoria this afternoon it has been interesting seeing the different routes planes have been taking between Melbourne and Sydney.



SOme flights were going to the north west via Bendigo.



About 9pm I noticed some were now passing over where I live to the east of the normal routing.



Now at 10pm all is back to normal.

With more storms forecasted for tomorrow it will be interesting to see if the same happens again.

Good for damping down the fires and filling some of the empty dams.

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1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Great shots and great news Martyn!  AUS v2 looks very nice here. 

Thanks for that Jack, 10mm in our gauge and hopefully more on the way tomorrow.

Actually this is still v1 as I like my OZx too much to change to the new version in P3D!

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Great live report of the weather conditions, Martyn!


16 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Actually this is still v1 as I like my OZx too much to change to the new version in P3D!

It did not take me too long to do this, and the installation is fairly straightforward. The trouble is that some airfields not work properly with the (better) mesh of AUv2, but that it a price I pay (and prefer to long fiddling).

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On 1/19/2020 at 10:22 PM, Stillwater said:

Great live report of the weather conditions, Martyn!


It did not take me too long to do this, and the installation is fairly straightforward. The trouble is that some airfields not work properly with the (better) mesh of AUv2, but that it a price I pay (and prefer to long fiddling).

Thanks Gerold, more rain on Monday so we are hoping that the drought is finally breaking.

A hot and probably steamy 35C today with maybe some thundery showers this arvo.

I will stay with v1 on my P3D for the time being as I am very happy with the results despite it's age.

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On 1/22/2020 at 11:02 AM, adambar said:

Whatever makes you happy Martyn, it's your sim. :)   Good looking shots as always! :)

That is so true Adam and it goes for all of us. 

A fantastic pastime that caters for all tastes.

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