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From a paradise into a surprise


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When NZ9 is pushed back in Honolulu you can already expect where we are going next.



Instead of the regular 777 the equipment was changed today in favour of the Dreamliner.



The routing is very simple: Direct to DATBE, then follow G347 to TARIB and then "just" land. 



Some other stunning views of the civilisation on Oahu.





The 787 is a nice design.



"Flying is hours of boredom, spiced with moments of horror" some say. After 3 hours a passenger reported sharp pain in the breast, together with panic-like rapid breathing. A doctor on board suggested to take him to a hospital asap, so we remembered the flight plan above and took a little detour to the left...



Swains Island is a bit too small for us.



The next surprise: Visibility on approach gets harder...



... but here we are: American Samoa.



There must be a runway, ...



... ah, got it!



Looks as if it was intended...



Not intended was deboarding in rain for our passengers. No one had an umbrella at hand, and the airport was not prepared for them either. At least the medical emergency car was there.



The heart attacked passenger was saved, and the others will have to spend a day in Pago Pago. Let´s see what they discover!





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7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Very nice shots.



Thank you Iain!


7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent story accompanied by some wonderful views Gerold.

It must be a terrifying experience to be the victim of a medical emergency like this.:ph34r:

I have been around this sort of event several times when travelling.:(

Luckily enough I have never been witness or subject of a medical emergency. My brother-in-law mentioned he is called on every transatlantic flight...


7 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Nice shots Gerold, and give my best to the ailing patient. 

Thank you Don. I was assured there are no troubles left ;).


6 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

great narrative, to go with some fine piloting, screenies are superb.

Thank you Ken. Pago Pago is not a real central hub of global travels, but on todays route it was just fitting too good.


6 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic post Gerold, well done! :)

Thank you Adam!


6 hours ago, Ticker7 said:

Some Really great shots in there Gerold plus a nicely told story ;)

Thanks, mate. When I saw the routing during my flight preparation this story was nearly obvious...


5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Another nicely shown flight Gerold!

Thank you Jack. Some fantastic sceneries and so close to each other!


3 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Interesting story and flight. Great shots of it all.

Thanks John. My pleasure to shorten this flight, and the eye candy was provided by the host of this forum.

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