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Same name, different state


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Just a short hop today between two airports that serve the same city. From St. Louis Regional...



... towards the city, ...



... and across the Mississippi.



Well, that was obvious. Jack would probably do it with a 747, inverted.



Welcome to St. Louis Lambert International, enhanced with GSX and SODE to give some more physical training to the passengers.


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I see that in the last image they are anticipating for the rising sea levels.

A wonderful set Gerold and I must admit now that we visited a few MacDonalds when on holiday but we never saw a grand one like this. It will be even better when they erect the second arch and give both of them a lick of yellow paint!

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6 hours ago, schtroumf said:

Magnificent shot B)

Thanks for commenting!


22 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots but the last one looks a bit wonky.



Thank you Iain. I could try to fix it, but I just skip that and fly...


20 hours ago, adambar said:

I agree with Iain on the wonkyness on the last shot, but the rest look great. :D

Thank you Adam. As said above: Some errors I manage to ignore.


17 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Nice shots and I guess the  gates in the last shot are for hover craft.:D

Ah, THAT is the solution of the quest!


16 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice Gerold.  Yep, I could try sometime.  Your tour as always is very interesting.

I am waiting for you... and I am sure the Arch has now made it to your bucket list.


16 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I see that in the last image they are anticipating for the rising sea levels.

A wonderful set Gerold and I must admit now that we visited a few MacDonalds when on holiday but we never saw a grand one like this. It will be even better when they erect the second arch and give both of them a lick of yellow paint!

That would really be a BIG mac. But unfortunately they won´t change their recipies or ingredients, so it is no option for me.

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