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Singers in the rain


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After leaving Queensland...

... that day also included some more departures for us. At least such a trip is so tiring, you don´t have enough time to become melancholic. And: Duty free provided some Australian memories into our hand luggage:



If you have to travel for many hours, do it in style - and with the right plane for @Captain Lars:





Unfortunately we did not see much of the scenery, neither in real nor in the sim. Leaving New South Wales...



... for an intermediate stop in the Capital Territory:





Restarting after one boring hour in transit...



... to finally leave Australia.



Some hours and one continent later we were provided with the best airline breakfast I ever got :rollmyeyes:.



Right in time for some shaking on approach to Singers.



At least the runway was clear.





Now - try to wake up and get ready for the next flight...:blink:.


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9 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Cracking post Gerold.



Thank you Iain!


9 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Super post Gerold.  Enjoyed your shots and real photos, sometimes I had to look very carefully to tell them apart.

Thanks for the compliments John. This time the few real ones were much brighter than the simmed, p3d does not give much light in nightflights. But I carefully chose some nice shots...


8 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Happy meal Gerold  real and virtual as alwyas love this ...

Good Hollidays

Gracias Patrick. Singapore Air indeed served brilliant as ever.


3 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Super post indeed, Gerold! The thunderstormy-ness of Singers is incredible. I hope you didn't fly through the fat red patch on your arrival path? :D

Thank you Lars. In fact reality and sim were grateful to us, we did not encounter these red zones in flight ;D.


6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Unreal Gerold.  It seems to me you spend more time in the air than on the ground.  What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking because you get to fly a lot and to a lot of wonderful places.  Is this business related?

Thanks Jack. I just post (or finalize the posting of) a condensation of our family´s holiday tour of this September. But well, if you go to the other side of the world, there are quite some flights needed.

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12 hours ago, TerribleT said:

A great  set from the departure lounge thank you mate!  Hope to see you back again soon!

Thank you TT. I also hope to return soon, but we have no plan yet... At least I can show you some outcome of the departure lounge in Sydney:

1. The green bag is totally filled up with TimTams.



2. This bag is filled with the obvious. Taking some traces of Oz home...



8 hours ago, adambar said:

I feel like I'm sitting in the next row with these great posts Gerold, well done once again. :)

Thanks Adam. You are always welcome to sit next to me!


10 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Was that 'Eggs Benedict' on your pancakes?  Your screenshots looked good too :).

Thanks for the compliment OnD. It was a "light" breakfast with whipped cream, brueberries & mint on top of the warm pancake. I can still smell the taste of almonds and honey as well.


6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Some excellent images and a splendid RL image of your plane waiting at the gate.

A good choice of airline for your flight and the quality of their catering should have been of no surprise!

Thank you Martyn. The choice of airline was easy as the price did not play a role. I only fear we have raised the standard expectation for our kids too far?

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