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FSX Boxed/Steam and Central 4


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Operating system:  Windows 10, 19H2

Simulator:  FSX Boxed / FSX Steam



To make this kind of a long story short, I still have to have FSX Boxed, FSX:Steam, P3Dv3, P3Dv4 for beta testing that I do.  I would love to dump both FSX, but there are still a lot of users out there and so to help them, I have a lot of sims installed.  I also have XP10 and XP11 installed.  Let me get to the point.


Under FTX Central 3, when I start it I get a menu to select FSX / FSX:Steam/ P3Dv3 / P3Dv4 / XP11 (using short version names).  However when I start Central 4.0.27 I only get FSX / P3Dv3 / P3Dv4 / XP11.  I've deleted the Option.json that it mentions in the manual, I try to add a missing one and select FSX:Steam and the directory.  When I do this, I loose FSX.  Am I doing something wrong?  Or is only ONE FSX type allowed?





central.json central.log

43 minutes ago, StarBlue said:

I've deleted the Option.json that it mentions in the manual, I try to add a missing one and select FSX:Steam and the directory.  When I do this, I loose FSX.  Am I doing something wrong?


Hi, I am not sure what this is all about, but I did nothing but installed both versions of FSX, ran them each at least once and they both appeared in the simulator list.


Doug, this is only getting stranger.


So I started both FSX and FSX:SE, made sure Central was not running.  Started it back up and nothing had changed, deleted the .json as well as resync simulator.  Still would only show FSX:SE (see below).  One thing it did not capture was when I hovered the cursor over each, the hint showed the folder in which they were installed.  I clicked Fix issues, picked FSX and gave it the path; still isn't showing up and it never allowed me to add it.  So once I go into Central 4, under FSX:SE, I just installed Orbx Library.  What I noticed is that in FSX (boxed) it change that scenery.cfg (see Scenery-FSX.cfg in the attached).  It did not change scenery-FSX-SE.cfg as I would have expected.  When I looked at the .log and .json, I see that it has the following...


    "configuration": {
      "dllXmlPath": "C:\\Users\\Jhan_\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\FSX\\dll.xml",
      "exeXmlPath": "C:\\Users\\Jhan_\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\FSX\\exe.xml",
      "mainConfigPath": "C:\\Users\\Jhan_\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\FSX\\fsx.cfg",
      "sceneryConfigPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\FSX\\scenery.cfg",
      "terrainConfigPath": "C:\\FSP\\FSXSE-XP-FSW\\steamapps\\common\\FSX\\terrain.cfg"


It isn't putting them in FSX-SE for DLL,EXE,Main,Scenery.  It is placing them in the FSX directories.  So now when I start, I am getting errors (Note the ORBX directory was created in FSX-SE and not FSX (I left that one deleted to test this), therefore the .cfg is incorrect for FSX)  I looked at both the DLL it has ObjectFlow.dll in the wrong one.  I can keep using FTX Central 3 for FSX and FSX-SE, as it seems to have them working right.  


Strange that it wants to criss-cross FSX and FSX:SE.  Let me know what else you need to help diagnose this.














Hello Jhan,

it looks like your installation of FSX and FSX-SE is telling Orbx Central that FSX-SE is in fact installed on it own,

further evidenced by the fact that it cannot see FSX-DE.


Years ago, I wrote a topic on the subject that might help.

It answers the opposite question but does show what the registry entries should be

when they are both installed.


I would suggest that you go through that and then use this topic to add back the

registry entry for FSX-DE that  I think is missing.





  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Nick,


I went through all of my files (all of the deep down config stuff) and found the issue.  You are right in that there was a cross linking of Boxed and SE editions and once that chain was broken, all was good.  So thanks for pointing me in the right direction.




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