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A date to remember.


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A place I have always known about and wanted to visit since I was very young was Pearl Harbour.

I finally made it and wasn't disappointed despite the Arizona Memorial being closed for maintenance.

Today, on the 7th of December, few images to view and remember "the date that will live in infamy."















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Very fine comparaison shots and a proof that the Orbx Oahu-scenery is as most as possible 'the real thing'. I visited the site and (an open) 'Arizona-memorial' in June 2010.

Happy to see the location again via these nice pictures, thank you Martyn.

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Can't say more than what already said above (and below, for sure...).

A compilation of shots steeped in history and... masterfully presented.

I have been as touched by this set of shots as I have been impressed by the way you presented them, really.


With my admiration... and  my  deepest respect to the ones who served.





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14 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Oh my gosh Martyn, you managed to do this perfectly!  Very nice shots, and thank you for remembering that day that will live in infamy.

Thanks for that Jack and I am glad you liked it.

Too many things to remember and being grateful for from those days!;)

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11 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great shots and great photos.  Unfortunately the current generation hasn't a clue what Dec. 7th is about.

Cheers John and you are perfectly correct.

I worked with a 30 something lady who thought WW2 was between just Australia and Japan!:o




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9 hours ago, adambar said:

Never forget Pearl Harbour and the lost lives, well done tribute Martyn! :)

Thank you Adam, yes so many thoughts going through my mind when I was there. Hard to imagine that day all those years ago.


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8 hours ago, ikbenik said:

Very fine comparaison shots and a proof that the Orbx Oahu-scenery is as most as possible 'the real thing'. I visited the site and (an open) 'Arizona-memorial' in June 2010.

Happy to see the location again via these nice pictures, thank you Martyn.

Many thanks, well worth travelling all that distance  to see, isn't it.

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8 hours ago, BradB said:

Well done post Martyn with the RL and Sim shots , hard to believe it's coming up on 80 years in 2021 . :):(

Thank you John, I doubt if there are many left now that witnessed those events first hand.

So many times now I read an obituary about the said person being  the last survivor of a certain event from WW2.

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6 hours ago, JOE DYGAN said:

Can't say more than what already said above (and below, for sure...).

A compilation of shots steeped in history and... masterfully presented.

I have been as touched by this set of shots as I have been impressed by the way you presented them, really.


With my admiration... and  my  deepest respect to the ones who served.





WOnderful words and sentiments Joe, thanks very much for that.

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