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Not the most inspiring place but................


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…...it has it's good points.

I am talking about Daniel K. Inouye Airport at Honolulu, PHNL.



Some of the airports I have been to have had that wow factor but I am sorry that PHNL is not one of those. 



It does have it's good points. If you look above the 717 the two corridors forming the top of the "Y" don't have windows.



Ideal for me as there are no reflections when taking photos and also wonderful fresh air!



I was lucky as well as that evening the movements were not from the remote runway 08R/26L.



Which was perfect for me as I didn't have my long lens to take photos with.



The only problem was the fading light, we could have gone earlier but I was enjoying my last afternoon at Waikiki.





Too soon I was beaten by the light and went for a feed as our replacement Air Canada charter flight didn't have inflight catering!



There was still time to wander around and get my first close up of a plane from my favourite US airline. I like those scimitars too.



Look, no spaceships.








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Sadly this airport looks exactly the same as when I first saw it back in the 80's , they really should just bulldoze the thing and start from scratch IMO . Anyway loved the snaps as always Martyn !! .

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1 hour ago, BradB said:

Sadly this airport looks exactly the same as when I first saw it back in the 80's , they really should just bulldoze the thing and start from scratch IMO . Anyway loved the snaps as always Martyn !! .

Thank you John. I didn't want to sound too harsh in my criticism but the part we arrived at from Oz was even worse. Not a very good first impression. Well the staff were not upset by the dreary place they work in as all we came across were very cheery and helpful.:)

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Nice shots. I presume that is the Honolulu City scenery? Is it also the FSDT airport? How do you find it with P3D4.5. I see it is on sale but seems a little underwhelming on the eye? I thought it might go nicely with the city scene though?

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46 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Thank you John. I didn't want to sound too harsh in my criticism but the part we arrived at from Oz was even worse. Not a very good first impression. Well the staff were not upset by the dreary place they work in as all we came across were very cheery and helpful.:)

When we arrived last month , we had to walk over 45 minutes to get to our baggage carousel . :angry::angry:

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43 minutes ago, BradB said:

When we arrived last month , we had to walk over 45 minutes to get to our baggage carousel . :angry::angry:

We were bussed to the immigration but I we didn't have far to go to get our bags.

Even Atlanta wasn't bad. We could have caught the train to the baggage area but I wanted to walk and take in the various themes, it was really well done.

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1 hour ago, Ian St said:

Nice shots. I presume that is the Honolulu City scenery? Is it also the FSDT airport? How do you find it with P3D4.5. I see it is on sale but seems a little underwhelming on the eye? I thought it might go nicely with the city scene though?

Thank you Ian, this is all the Honolulu scenery, including the airport. I don't have the FSDT PHNL...…….yet!:rolleyes:

I am running V4.0, a bit behind the times i'm afraid.

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Lovely mix of real and simmed reality, you know I like that.

I have instantly seen the reason for flying to PHNL: Free WiFi is an advantage you will not see working at Germany´s airports.


4 hours ago, BradB said:

When we arrived last month , we had to walk over 45 minutes to get to our baggage carousel . :angry::angry:

That sounds like Frankfurt. And illustrates wha airports need to be redesigned from time to time, instead of just adding another annex.

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9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Very nice mix again Martyn, it's fascinating to see your trip shots, sadly I can only live vicariously through your photos, and you're making me want to make more flights in Orbx's Hawaii, just wish they'd do the rest of the islands :unsure:

Thank you Jack, there is plenty to see in Oah'u with the right type of plane but you are correct with the rest of the islands begging to be done!:)

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7 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Lovely mix of real and simmed reality, you know I like that.

I have instantly seen the reason for flying to PHNL: Free WiFi is an advantage you will not see working at Germany´s airports.


That sounds like Frankfurt. And illustrates wha airports need to be redesigned from time to time, instead of just adding another annex.

The wifi worked at PHNL and at Frankfurt. A quick Messenger call to "her indoors" at each place to let her know our progress!

Transiting in Frankfurt was a day trip in itself, it seemed to go on for ever and ever and I am sure we nearly ended up where we had started from, going around in a big circle.:huh:

It appeared to be a great place for photography but where Honolulu was early in the evening, Frankfurt was too early in the morning!:rolleyes:

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19 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Transiting in Frankfurt was a day trip in itself, it seemed to go on for ever and ever and I am sure we nearly ended up where we had started from, going around in a big circle.:huh:

You will surely believe I did this so often! Last time was when we returned with family from Singapore: After 40 hours of travelling through 3 continents we landed in terminal 1B, walked 1 h to reach a bus departing in terminal 1B... :banghead:

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