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Orbx Central Library Size Not Working


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Hi all,

I've had this issue a while now, and it's driving me nuts; when I check the Library size under Orbx Central's Settings, all I see under 'Size' is a spinning icon. This is after several days of Orbx Central being open, several restarts of Orbx Central, and several restarts of my Windows 10 Pro machine. The library is on a Samsund 2TB T5 External SSD, formatted NTFS. See screenshot below, log also attached.


Any ideas?




Operating system:  Windows 10 Pro

Simulator:  All


Issue:  Orbx Central Library size not displaying


Orbx Library Size.png


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Thanks Mitchell, looking forward to a possible fix in the future :). 


Could I get your feedback on another issue that just started today? When I open Orbx Central, it displays the 'Connecting..' splash screen, then minimizes to the Taskbar Systray. When I right click on the Taskbar icon and select 'Show Central', I get nothing.. I've tried several reboots, still no joy. I'm thinking a reinstall may be needed, that the current install may be corrupt..


Before I try the reinstall, can you confirm something for me? All of my products that can be in a remote library are in a remote library; if I reinstall Orbx, I can just point Orbx Central back to this library, right?

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @NickThain,


On 11/30/2019 at 7:19 AM, NickThain said:

All of my products that can be in a remote library are in a remote library; if I reinstall Orbx, I can just point Orbx Central back to this library, right?


That's correct. If you reinstall Orbx Central you can create a library and point it the same path as before. After doing so you may need to give Central a restart so it can rescan the folder to find the products.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your help guys,

@Mitchell Williamson thanks for logging that bug, the quick update on that issue is that the size spinning icon is no longer there, but now the size is showing as '0 B'. Hopefully your bug report will trigger some action :).

@Josh Koz thanks for your advice, the reinstall went smoothly and Orbx Central found all the sims beautifully. Unfortunately, yesterday Orbx Central suddenly could no longer see my FSX installation, maybe due to my renaming it's install folder. After renaming the folder (which contains all of my sim installs) I started all of the sims and flew them to trigger Orbx Central into 'seeing' the sims in their new location. P3D, XP11 and Aerofly FS2 were all seen immediately, but Orbx Central is yet to see FSX. I've tried a few PC reboots, Orbx Central restarts and FSX restarts, all to no avail.


Is there a way I can get Orbx Central to re-scan for the FSX install location?




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