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After our flight to the northern Queensland coast ...

... we took a rental vehicle and inspected Cairns´ surroundings. We left the airport to the north across Barron River...



... and initially followed M1, Captain Cook Highway.



But as we use a plane here, we can do little detour up to Barron Gorge.



Just a few seconds away (if you don´t take the famous railway): Leila´s airstrip and Kuranda. A touristic spot we skipped...



Merging with the highway again. It winds along the Pacific quite nicely...





... until it turns towards the cane fields.



Plan with some delays on the way.



Mossman village is the place where one should leave the M1 towards the mountains.



Drop your vehicle at the visitor center below...



... and let yourself be guided into Mossman Gorge.









No place to land below and no beer either. So we had to continue...


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50 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Another excellent leg to your tour Gerold.

Places here I have never visited, beautiful country up there.

I like the RL views too, you left them until the end and I was worried there was only going to be the cane train photo.:D

Sorry for not mixing more homogenously, Martyn: I was driving the car and could not take more photos on the way up.

As it would be on your way up to Thailand, I´d recommend a 5-day stop in Cairns to you. Much to see, to explore, to eat (want pictures?) and also liquids to be tested.


1 hour ago, BradB said:

Lately I have been a "Curious George" when I see you have posted some more shots from your Holiday Gerold  , the Sim shots have been taking a back seat I'm afraid .B):D

Thanks for following our family tour, John. There will be some more blends to come, and - trust me - you´ll get the desired sim shots from the front seat as well ;)!

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Sorry for not mixing more homogenously, Martyn: I was driving the car and could not take more photos on the way up.

As it would be on your way up to Thailand, I´d recommend a 5-day stop in Cairns to you. Much to see, to explore, to eat (want pictures?) and also liquids to be tested.

Thanks for the tip Gerold but I liked what I saw in Singapore the other week and there is still plenty more for me to see there.

Also the eats and liquids were very authentic,  tasty and heaps cheaper.;)

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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Gorgeous indeed, nice work Gerold! :)

Hahaha, thank you Adam!


10 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Another great post mate.



My pleasure, Iain!


16 hours ago, musterpilot said:

Beautiful shots and some of the best country in Australia


I would not be able to classify between the beautiful, the charming, the lovely or the characterful places I have seen so far in your country. Probably I need more travelling :rollmyeyes:!


14 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Really nice Gerold!  I was gorging myself on these shots.

Thank you Jack. I know you love nature and hiking, and we even had acceptable weather conditions in the tropical north (something around 25°C).


16 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks for the tip Gerold but I liked what I saw in Singapore the other week and there is still plenty more for me to see there.

Also the eats and liquids were very authentic,  tasty and heaps cheaper.;)

Isn´t it great to have the option to see so many fantastic places nowadays? What leaves us decisions, decisions...

Well, this is true for real life travel as for virtual travels in our Orbxworld...


11 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Bloody beaut as always as we banana benders say!

Ah, learned something: You from the south are banana benders!

Now, wait, until I come into your backyard... 8)

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