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Orbx airports visited in real life - a rolling story


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Hi Rob


This has taken me some researching today. I actually think you are now back in the USA and touring the Olympic Peninsula, a beautiful area which my family and I visited last year.


My guess is Sequim Valley Airport (P3d airport I think, which confused me as I now only use MSFS 2020).


What’s even more interesting to me is that we actually stayed in Sequim in a modified Caboose for 3 days only a few miles away on a private airfield:


Rakes Glen Airport on Kitfox Lane, don’t know if you know it? (sadly we never visited Sequim Valley Airport). I have some photos somewhere, I will try and share in the future.


Looks like you had a great trip, if you had of visited last year our paths may of crossed.


Fingers crossed I am correct as I have spent a few hours today researching this - but did enjoy the challenge 😀




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8 hours ago, paulk said:

 Hi Paul,

  Good guess!  I have a couple more that would have made it easier but you didn't need them.  This is indeed Sequim Airport just south of Dungennes Point.  Here's the other two just for fun.  And this last shot you should recognize right away.

Wish we could have crossed paths Paul.  I go up there for a week at a time at least twice a year.








Last one visited on this trip somewhat nearby  🙂


8 hours ago, paulk said:


Not bothered either way, just asking is the one above an Orbx Airfield/Airport?


I currently don’t have a clue, but going to guess at the BC Aviation Museum?

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