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Cruising through the metropolis


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Just after our arrival ...

... we picked up a suitable rental car at Alice Springs airport for a city tour.





Just passing the RFDS base...



... and some minutes later we made a short photo break at the city sign.





Antennas to the left...



... trains to the right.



The Gap to the front.





And then we parked on Todd Mall...



... for a Bitter. Remember the air is very dry here!



A city view from ANZAC Hill. Could not convince my family to climb up there, instead ...



... we went down to the RFDS central station, ...



... where they show their area of service to us Europeans. Amazing. And here in Germany we are already complaining if the next doctor is more than 1 km away.



However, this is the place I could convince my family to go, ...



... but I can´t post a real life shot: My daughters would not be in line with the policies here, and you would not want to see me in Speedoes, I fear.

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19 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots these.



Thank you Iain!


18 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A wonderful drive around Alice Gerold.

A shame you didn't make it up ANZAC Hill as there is an excellent view of the town form there.

I met some very friendly natives up there too but I think they would have moved on by now!:lol:

Painful to read that I have missed a great view. Maybe I have to return to Alice...

Your comment re the "natives" leaves room for interpretation:

May you mean some nasty animals? I hope they have moved on!

May you mean some stranded indigenous? Everything concentrates in the city, still.


18 hours ago, BradB said:

Great post Gerold , must have been real bucket list stuff touring the "Red Centre" .

Thank John. In fact, for Alice Springs we did not plan too much and left our stay for some spontaneous discoveries.


18 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Cool shots, Gerold. I hope you didn't pick a convertible for your real world trip :)

No worries, Bernd, in reality we did not even rent any car in that city.


14 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Very fine mate!

Thank you TT. The simmed scenery is no "CityScape", but still has enough similarities to give good orientation in the real place.


13 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Enjoyed your post Gerold!!!!!!!!!!  I like the interspurcing  of screenshots with real photos.

Thanks John! Lovely these little surprises like the "Alice Springs" sign, naturally placed at the correct location.


13 hours ago, musterpilot said:

Great set of shots Gerold I spent 6 week there back in the eighty's building the golf course good fun


Wow, 6 weeks can really let you dry out. Literally. After some days in the Outback our mucosas were totally dry, we had to buy sprays for the nose. And something else for the throat.


12 hours ago, M110A2 said:

Cool shots Gerold, thanks.

My pleasure, Vince.


10 hours ago, adambar said:

Thanks for the ride Martyn, enjoyed it. :)  The town looks like a place you see in Arizona.

You´re welcome Karl. Good to see we post so much from our trips that we managed to confuse you! @VH-KDK will be pleased!


6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Another cool mixed set Gerold.  Man, you really get around, what a nice tour.

Just a little continent trip, Jack. Like "see Europe in 10 days". And Australia HAS some distances... B)

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