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Reflying holiday, part 1


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In the upcoming weeks I will bother you with some flights and places we have visited during our holiday in September. Maybe boring to you, but for me this is one of the bigger pleasures of sim flying...

Here we go, and I´ll skip the night flight with Singapore´s A350 into their home town. We start with a budget flight in the morning (well, the worst was the check-in procedure, the rest was as expected and therefore reasonable).

Ready for boarding.




Engines started...



... and off we go.



The usual ship meet in front of Singers.




A nice view on the tropical seas during climbout.



Hours later, near Cape Leveque: The first view of Terra Australis. Vector is outstanding.




I was fortunate to capture these shots, because most of the (electronic) windows were darkened.




Traffic. 1000 ft below, no worries.



Some salty lakes...




... and sand dunes. Orbx, you have to change them as you have a 90° offset :D!




Unfortunately not much to see in the late phase of the flight: The destination was covered by darkness. But I am sure you guess the city - if not I´ll give you a hint: You could hang a very big coat there. And my next report will be in daylight for those who still are interested.


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Keep them coming Gerold, I like the sim/RL images that you do, just hope we don't get any of the serial grizzlers after you.:lol:

I was lucky enough to find one of the few suitable windows at WSSS this week to get a few snaps from before the darkness set in.:D

Oh, a beautiful set too, and how was Scoot?

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5 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great post Gerold.



Thank you Iain!


5 hours ago, adambar said:

Enjoyed the trip Gerold, and a nice combination of RL/sim! :)

Thanks Adam. I propose you´ll get more here, twas a long journey...


11 hours ago, lifejogger said:

a super flight Gerold!!!!!!!!!  I enjoyed it and the screenshots.

Thank you John. Good to read your comment.


11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I was lucky enough to find one of the few suitable windows at WSSS this week to get a few snaps from before the darkness set in.:D

Oh that sounds good Martyn. And some rumours are there saying you did have a camera on your flight :rollmyeyes:!


11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Oh, a beautiful set too, and how was Scoot?

Thanks mate. As suggested: Check-in in Singers was a mess, they put our family from the "individual" check-in (with about 6 agents working) to the "group" desk. Only 1 person working, 30 in front of us and at the desk one group consisting of about 15 people. It took them about 45 minutes to finish these 15 non-routined travellers, so we really had to worry about catching our plane. You can imagine I lost some friendlyness there. But after that all worked fine: we had "scoot-in-silence" seats in the front, together with an acceptable meal, enough water and mostly good guys sitting around us. And, basically, the 789 is an excellent plane.


11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Keep them coming Gerold, I like the sim/RL images that you do, just hope we don't get any of the serial grizzlers after you.:lol:

Let´s see if I can fit some of the natures beauties into my upcoming reports. NatureFlow at its best.


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16 hours ago, musterpilot said:

perfect set of shots


Thank you John. Due to the always-closed-window-shades I had not much options to choose on this flight...


19 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Marvelous set and story as always mate!

Thanks TT. Plus many memories for me in it, too...


18 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

These were really good Gerold!  As always I love the mix of real and Orbx, it shows how close to reality Orbx came when they made the scenery.  Please post more!

Thank you Jack. I promise it will be even more astonishing when it comes to the next places. I was totally overwhelmed how good reality imitates some of the Orbx (and OZx!) sceneries.

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15 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

A great trip report. 

Thank you Lars.


15 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

I'm totally shocked how inaccurate the painting of the airplane ist. :D 

- The inaccuracy of the painting used may be due to my lazyness: I have started the sim with a 787-800, whereas the real one is a 787-900. Sorry... :'(


15 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

And I believe the destination is Sydney (the tower is a landmark).

- You got it right, Sydney it is. The flight was TR12, and I did not only set the starting time as in the real plan (takeoff 10:05 local time), but also the weather to the correct day. I ended up landing about 5 minutes early... :D

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