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GLOBAL BASE as an external library


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I installed Global Base as an external library when Central v4 first released.

I had just installed a complete brand new P3Dv4.5 install, so no previous ORBX packages had been installed.


When I read about possible issues with external global, I decided to keep this set up, and not install any further LC or region products, until a solution was found.

I was happy to keep this limited setup until a solution was found.


So now I have P3Dv4.5HF2 installed, plus global base as an external. This is supposed to be a fix for the layering issues discovered earlier,  so I am keen to learn what layers and order the global base package should look like when installed externally, so I can set this up and test.


Given I have already have Global installed externally, with no LC products installed installed at this time, I would be happy to help out with any testing to see if HF2 allows correct layering of external global.








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