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Sightseeing around Cairns, part 1: landside


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If you start northwards from YBCS you immediately meet Barron River. AUv2 now does show the river upwards into the hills, as well as the railtrack just next to it.



Kuranda, another touristic hot spot.



And if you want to stay a bit further north from Cairns, Port Douglas is an alternative.



It is just next to Mossman, ...



... the entry point to Mossman Gorge (to the right in this view).



Further north: Daintree River. Better not swim there, some hungry animals enjoy life here.



Here we turn back south over Cassowary land.



Ocean view.



What a road.



Cairns ahead, the reef beyond.



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On 9/5/2019 at 6:00 PM, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots. 



Thank you Iain!


22 hours ago, oldboy43 said:

Thank you Gerold, very nice shots.



Thanks for commenting, Karoly.


19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Haven't spent much time in the new Aus v2 but it sure looks fine to me!

The differences to not junp into view, Jack. But the mesh given me a great impression, and I have never been able to see Barron river so good before.


19 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

Nice sets of the Sky Master!  Haven't seen that bird in a loooong time!

I love the Skymaster. Fast, but suitable for short runways. And a relaxing autopilot.


17 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great flight and shots and thanks for the narration.

Thank you John.


11 hours ago, adambar said:

Very nicely done Gerold! :)

Thanks Adam!


21 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Gerold, I love the way your shots always capture both the aircraft and the scenery to best advantage. Real artistry. Thanks for yet another treat!

Many thanks for your comment, Rodger. EZCA (v2) helps me composing the views.

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