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TE washington SD KPEA


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As a boeing Nutjob missing 1 very important feature with XP11 at Paine field. The famous blue boeing doors seems to be missing from the 1.0.0 scenery.

Attached a picture form an old review of FTX and my 2 screenshots on my laptop that shows paine field without the nice blue doors.


Like also the "real" thing: https://www.google.nl/maps/@47.9222088,-122.2746149,3a,75y,21.3h,96.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfU1mTGJBCBOjhqKNDjY1_w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Is that a current bug in the scenery? Most of the other features of that field are there.






b738 - 2019-09-02 17.11.56 (1).png

b738 - 2019-09-02 17.04.22 (1).png

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If I recall correctly, TrueEarth Washington does not enhance any of the default airports, which would include Paine field. I personally use Drzewiecki Design's Seattle Airports scenery for X-Plane, which does include a detailed rendition of Paine Field.

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Thank you. Missed that part. Maybe good to add the guide somewhere in in orbx central. Now with seatle XP its solved and looks all good. Thank you for this insight and just need to search for more goodies. Good to know also for TrueEarth Netherlands. Then also need EHAM again:)



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