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ORBX Central and FSX


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I bought via ORBX Central 2B2/6B6 Plum Island Airport & Minute Man Air Field for FSX last sunday. 


The purchase worked very well, but after the installation the three entries OZx_AUS, OZx_Lib and OZx-NA (OZx_NA is the insertion point I set myself when I installed ORBX Central) were duplicated in the scenery.cfg. I uninstalled the purchased airport with the result, that the three mentioned entries were triplicated. I reinstalled the airport again.  Now I have these entries 4 times.


So it seems that every time I install or uninstall a product via ORBX Central, these three entries are always added to the scenery.cfg. 


Now I have set  in the scenery library of FSX the multiple entries to inactive.




All entries from entry 1106 base to the latest entry (Standardgelaende in german) were duplicated now. These entries are the default entries created automatically by the installation of FSX  The entries of third party vendors in this area  (1106 base till Standargelande) that were automatically placed by the installation of their sceneries (eg ORBX ! VECTOR_AEC) were also duplicated.


As you can see, ORBX Central not only has problems with P3Dv4 but also with the FSX.


Regards, Heinz

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On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 8:53 AM, glasklar said:

Hi Colle


Good to know
I have not made the update to version 4.0.10, but uninstalled ORBX Central.
I went back to FTX Central.




Hi Heinz

Could you please show the steps you took to uninstall ORBX Central and to re-install FTX Central 3.

Many thanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Colle


Are you already using the new version 4.0.12 of ORBX Central? If so, is the problem with the multiple entries of OZx now fixed?


And what about the blank entries in the default area in the FSX scenery.cfg?



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there is little point then in asking for updates and improvements

if you are not prepared to install the updated versions of Orbx Central.

To opt in to the "Fastlane" takes a few seconds, it costs nothing and if

you do not like it, it is just as easy to opt out again.

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Ma I ask how I opt out of the fastlanewith Central 4 uninstalled?

I was in the fast lane with Central 4, then uninstalled it to fix an issue, and cannot re-download bacuase the download refuses to issue 10.12 so I cannot even get 10.10 back..

Can opting out of fastlane be done on the website? I don't see anything that allows that?


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Guest Josh Koz

To follow this up,  the latest version of Orbx Central (4.0.13) addresses the issue of OZx scenery resulting in duplicate entries. 


Are you still encountering an issue with duplicate entries in the scenery.cfg?



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Hi Josh


I don't know. I had the problem with the multiple OZx entries and the blank entries in the default area in the scenery.cfg with version 4.0.10.


Then I unistalled 4.0.10 and went back to FTX Central. Everything works fine now, so I did not install version 4.0.13.


What do you think should I try version 4.0.13 or is this still risky?


I use only FSX.



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Guest Josh Koz

Hi Heinz,


If you're happy keeping things as you currently have them please do so. However we do have a closed issue internally indicating that the multiple OZx entries issue has been fixed. If you're comfortable installing Orbx Central 4.0.13 to confirm this is the case for you we can mark this issue as resolved.

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Hi Josh


 I would like to install ORBX Central again.


But before I do this, I have some questions:


I remember that when installing 4.0.10 immediately updates were executed before I could even choose my settings incl. Insertionpoint. What must I do to avoid this?


I wish no backups and no libraries.


What is if I say at the start of the  installation that I want to keep FTX Central?


What is if I say at the start of the  installation that I want to uninstall FTX Central?  In this case, is it necessary to reinstall all my ORBX products? I dont know exactly, how many products I own, but probably over 100.





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Guest Josh Koz

Hi Heinz,


Orbx Central will first check for outdated products 5 minutes after launching if the Auto Update settings is enabled. If you wish  to disable this,  visit the Settings -> Auto updates page and uncheck the 'Enable auto updates' box.



Backups can also be disabled in the settings under Settings -> Downloader




You can click 'No' to the message box that prompts to uninstall FTX Central 3 if you wish. All your products that you've installed with FTX Central 3 will automatically be detected by Orbx Central. You won't need to reinstall or migrate any of your products for them to function with Orbx Central.


You will need to create at least 1 library with Orbx Central but you don't need to install any products into it. You can place this library wherever you like. The reason for this requirement is that the ObjectFlow can only be installed into a library and is a requisite for some products to function correctly.


Let me know if I can provide any further information or clarification.


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Hi Josh


Thank you very much for your informations.


What I don't understand is the explanation about the ObjectFlow. When I have a look in FTX Central about my ORBX products, I see no entry for ObjectFlow. So I ask me, where was the ObjectFlow installed with FTX Central. What is different between ORBX Central and FTX Central regarding the Object Flow? When i will install ORBX Central now, will the ObjectFlow be installed automatically in a library even in FSX and will it be added in the scenery.cfg? I read somewhere that in FSX everything must be installed in the main folder and not in a library.



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Guest Josh Koz

Hi Heinz,


When I stated the requirement of a single library I had assumed you were using P3D. As your using FSX you actually won't need to create a single library. ObjectFlow would be bundled with Orbxlibs the same as FTX Central 3. No action is required on your part here.

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On 9/14/2019 at 6:05 PM, COLLE said:


Yes I work with 4.0.13 and I have found the origine of the duplicated lines in my scenery.cfg. In fact aera.001 to aera.099 was wrote aera.1 to aera.99. So you have to verify this point.

I don't have OZx sceneries.


Is the 99 blank entries solved in 4.0.13 then or how do you solve it? But this problem is becoming less important as it looks like Orbx aint developing for FSX/FSXSE anymore and as long as we can use FTX central.

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1 hour ago, COLLE said:

Hello Secret Sphere,

In fact the problem is solved since version 4.0.10 but in my case the file scenery.cfg had not been modified by this version. So I had to change it manually by re-writing aera.001 to aera.099 instead of aera.1 to aera.99.

Now all is ok.

Ok thanks for the info. So I installed Central 4.0.13 and let it uninstall FTX central3 and everything is ok now without me doing any editing of scenery.cfg. No more blank entries and insertion points stay where I put them, great:)

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Hi Josh


I have ORBX Central 4.0.13 installed. All the problems I had with the previous versions do not occur anymore, even the one with the multiple OZx entries is solved.

Thanks again for your support.

If any future problems arise, I would like to report them here.




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