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Along the Shark Coast


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As Port Lincoln is famous for shark cage diving, we did not spend much time swimming in Spencer Gulf or the Bight from here. Instead we made some metres and chose a fast plane.



Over Coffin bay, ...



... Cape Redstock, ...



... and the airfield with the same name...



... towards Streaky Bay YKBY. It seems to me that some of the OZx libraries are not fitting properly here.



Streaky Bay "CBD".



The green plains of South Australia. Or is it already WA?



And here we dive into Ceduna, the place to change planes again.









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23 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Excellent tour of Australia Gerold!!!!!!  Enjoyed your screenshots!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much, John! More to come, you can be sure.


16 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Very nice indeed.



Thanks for watching & commenting, Iain.


23 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Very cool tour Gerold and nary a problem in sight!

Yeah, swimming in these waters may become a problem. But I did not see any shark in the FTX waters yet!


23 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Listen to those Merlins purr. Nice flight. Thanks, Gerold.

Ah, you mean it is just Merlins? Then we are relatively safe out there?

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18 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Gerold, you are flying a P-38. You are the bad boy over these waters, sharks be damned.  :)

Oh, so sorry, Rodger. Shame on me for being more dangerous than I thought :ph34r::wub:.


17 hours ago, BradB said:

And here I thought you meant Long Island NY Gerold , stupid me ..........



Lovely creatures, so handsome...

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