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Is ORBX Autogen sorted out by Central?


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Just want to confirm if, as FTX Central used to do, after a Content Update of P3D, the ORBX's autogen files get sorted out with the new ORBX Central as well, by changing/switching between regions, etc.

Thanks, Ed



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Hi Ed,


Which simulator are you using?


For products installed using FTX Central 3 for P3Dv1-4, you'll just need to do a 'Verify Files' on Orbx Libraries to have the autogen sync back across.

For products installed or migrated using Orbx Central for P3Dv4, we use add-on.xml based autogen and no action is required.

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Hi Mitchell:

Thanks for your answer. I'm running P3Dv4.5 hf1 and haven't bought any new scenery yet with the new ORBX Central, neither migrated any of my existing ORBX scenery using the new Central, so all my ORBX scenery remains in the main P3D directory and included in my scenery.CFG file.

So, if I understand well, please confirm that in order to sort (or sync back across, as you said) the ORBX autogen, I only need to select one (any?) of my installed sceneries and do a "Verify Files" action?. That would be all?.

Thanks for clarifying.

Cheers, Ed

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On 8/13/2019 at 1:48 AM, Attila Barát said:

Hi Guys,

I done it as you said but now I can not see any orbx products in p3dv4.5

I've replied to your thread about this issue.


On 8/13/2019 at 12:55 AM, edpatino said:

So, if I understand well, please confirm that in order to sort (or sync back across, as you said) the ORBX autogen, I only need to select one (any?) of my installed sceneries and do a "Verify Files" action?. That would be all?.


The Orbx autogen is in Orbxlibs, so verifying that should make sure that the simulator autogen is correctly setup.


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On 8/20/2019 at 12:23 AM, Attila Barát said:

Hi ,

I have a new question. I want to delete orbx central. Can I keep all the back ups so I don’t need to download again everything?




Yes you can keep the Orbx Central backups folder, then uninstall Orbx Central. When you install Orbx Central in future, as long as you set the backup path to your pre-existing backups folder then Orbx Central will be able to install from these files rather than downloading everything again.

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