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YMML v3 runway lights look fake


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I have orbs ymml v3 and it looks great except for the runway lights.  Taxiway lights are fine but on the runway the lights are way to big.   From the air it looks fine but at runway level the lights seem to come out of the ground and bloom up above the ground about 2 feet.  It looks ridiculous.   All my other  default airports look good even fly Tampa yssy.  If I’m in a bigger plane like the 747 it’s not as noticeable but still there but in the 737 closer to the ground they just look stupid.  

Does anyone know how I can change the light settings for the runways but just at ymml. 

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update.   yes I restarted.  this has something to do with the zoom in.   I use chaseplane and I have the zoom set at about .30 which suits the 3d cockpit view but when I zoom in I noticed that the lights shrank and look better. the more I zoom the further the lights would shrink to normal size but the furtherest lights still to big,  but I cant fly like that.  everything looks to close.  what do I press to take the shot in p3d. 

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